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  1. DivinePower

    RO Water System - Is it really necessary for everyone??

    Title pretty much says it all. Seems like once again there are two band wagons... yes you need one no matter what... and no not everyone needs one. I'm really on the fence. On one hand I'd love to start out with and also have the benefit of drinking 0 ppm water. But it seems like a lot of...
  2. DivinePower

    General Hydroponics Dual Diaphram Pump

    So I came home all excited to see my water bubblin and churning and this thing works for shit. Does this thing need break in time or something? My two $11 walmart pumps create more bubbles! I hope this aint right!!!!
  3. DivinePower

    I thought root hairs only happened in aero?

    Maybe I read wrong - but I thought root hairs were reserved only for those growing in aero.... not in other forms of hydro. Not sure what the darker areas were. Look white as rice in person.
  4. DivinePower

    DWC Coco croutons - pH rising every 12-24 hours

    I've been hoping this issue would stabilize but it doesn't seem to be. I'm wondering if my Res change added insult to injury or was a step in the right direction. I've been pHing the water down to 5.6. This is tap water that comes out at 7.5-7.6 (sometimes upwards of 8.0), and a ppm of...
  5. DivinePower

    G13 Haze - HQ Seeds Avalanche - DWC coco crouton 400w grow

    G13 haze were germed and sprouted about 10 days ago. Today I just put together the 18 gallon rubbermaid tote for the veg chamber. I transplanted the G13 seedlings over to the DWC today which went extremely well. The plants drooped 30 minutes after transplant... 30 minutes later they perked...
  6. DivinePower

    How much bubble do you look for in your bubbleponics/DWC?

    I have a 18 gallon bin that will veg 2-3 plants at a time. I purchased two 18" air stones for it with a 2600 cc/min pump that is rated for 20-60 gallon fish tanks. Granted this is my first hydro grow - but I'm just not happy with my bubbles. First off these stones are going to go eventually...
  7. DivinePower

    Taking seedlings from soil to DWC

    I am more then likely going to start up my DWC in the VEG are tomorrow. I want to start this with the three seedlings I have going right now. Eventually one of these will become my mother. Seedlings are small... first true leaves are up... first real node is beginning to form. Any tips for...
  8. DivinePower

    Soil grower looking to move to hydro/aero

    I had posted last night that I thought I had it all figured out save one small item and someone pointed out I had overlooked the fact that my five plants would need different nutes since they were in different stages of flower. After a bunch of thinking I'm starting to wonder if aero just isn't...
  9. DivinePower

    Aeroponic reservoir help/input needed

    I've been growing in soil for some time now but would like to give the aeroponic thing a try. I'm sure I'll have questions about which misters and pumps to go for, but for now I'm trying to get the basic structure planned and built before I get into those questions and purchases. I little...
  10. DivinePower

    Barney's Farm LSD Grow CFL/FL only

    Doing this grow on a much smaller scale then last time with the MH and HPS. Started germing the seeds monday night and put them in rock wool this morning because they had popped. Pictures to follow - just wanted to start the thread.
  11. DivinePower

    Successful Attitude Delivery!!!

    Ordered a 5 pack of Barney's Farm fem LSD seeds, got two freebies as well. Chose the t-shirt stealth option. Came through perfectly in a week. Though I will admit I was really disappointed in the t-shirt. Kinda lame. lol
  12. DivinePower

    Looking for a strain suggestion for my setup/needs

    I'm looking to grow again but this time on a much smaller scale. I'll be flowering in a double 35 or 40 gallon (forget which) bin setup. (One flipped upside down on top of the other) The flowering will be all under CFL and other fluorescents. . So I dont want these plants to be to wide or...
  13. DivinePower

    Killed my plant - what to do? 9-10 weeks of flower

    Its a Thai Haze x Skunk. I overnuted it at one point (Found out these things are hypersensitive to nutes) and the plant wasnt the same. since. That was around the 5th or 6th week of flower. The plant is nearly dead. I se nearly beacause only some of the buds have some green leaf left in them...
  14. DivinePower

    Bud Porn V 2.0 (132 grams wet)

    Did this for the last plant and a lot of people enjoyed it so I thought I would do it again. Here are the results of this morning choppin project! White Widow flowered 9 weeks, just shy of 10. Would have been 10 weeks on sunday.
  15. DivinePower

    Bud porn!!!!

    Just finished the harvest of my second white widow plant. I'm pretty stoked!!!! :weed::hump:
  16. DivinePower

    How'd I do for a first harvest off a goofy growing plant??

    Check my grow in my sig! Plant was always growing weird and didn't have the main cola like the other two white widow do. Those probably wont be harvested for another week (probably two on the 2nd one) Didn't expect much out of this plant and that's what I got - I'm guessin a half ounce dried...
  17. DivinePower

    White widow fiinished in 44 days??

    I have one white widow that seems to be finished. 80% cloudy trichs, I'm not a fan of couch lock so I'm not looking for amber. Should I harvest this thing now or give it a few days?
  18. DivinePower

    4 weeks of flower - dieing leaves??

    I know this is normal eventually but this seems rather ealy plus way to many of them seem to be dieing. Towards the top they seem to be just fine, buds are growing awesome and the fan leaves by them look healthy. Down below the leaves are dieing like crazy. I fear its a overnute situation -...
  19. DivinePower

    17 Days of Flower - Nitrogen question

    I know as you enter flower, leaves yellowing towards the end is ok because you dont want to feed them any Nitrogen. I'm 17 Days in... is that to late to give one last dose of balanced nutes? aka... with nitrogen? One of my plants is definitely showing its using up the N in some of the...
  20. DivinePower

    For those asking about cats being good/bad for your grow....

    *disclaimer* I'm a newb fuckin around Last time I posted about cats in your grow, it was something about running to home depot... leaving the cats with access to my plants and the four legged shit factories deciding they might be a tasty treat. Lesson learned. So I thought... So sunday I'm...