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  1. A

    How are my 8 day olds?

    My other topic kinda died off, and I figured I'd make a more general topic about them. Anyway, there they are. I think I'm gonna move one to another pot, as I wasn't really anticipating more than one sprout. What's with the color difference? Genetics? Or does one have some sort of deficiency...
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    First grow, exploring my options.

    Alright. On 9/23 I planted some seeds. On 9/24, one of the seeds sprouted, and I also adopted a plant I found in my back yard. And finally, on 9/25 a second seed sprouted. This is kind of a test grow. I'm growing under small lights, but I'm growing for the fun of it less than the yield, and I...
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    Found something in my back yard, is it pot?

    I found a few little plants in the garden in my back yard that look like they may be pot. I didn't put any seeds there, but my dad may have, as he smokes (and has a plant of his own inside) Unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to be working at the moment, so the best I could do is take a...
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    What would happen with a very minimal amount of light?

    I'm rarely home, and would only be able to give a plant a few hours of light each day (I realize timers exist, but this is my first grow, and I'm not really putting any money into it this time) I've thought of two results that may occur, both with pros and cons: A) Plant develops quickly with...
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    Anybody use compost?

    I started a little compost pile yesterday, it's sopmething I've been interested in doing, even before I wanted to grow pot. I just put in what I could find at the time, and plan to add more. So far it's got coffee grounds, a banana peel, some pods that were growing on a tree in my back yard...
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    How long does it generally take to sprout in the woods?

    I planted a seed roughly a week ago (and some even longer ago) and none have sprouted yet. How long should I wait before I give up on them?
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    Miracle grow when planting or no?

    A friend of mine who knows nothing about planting planted a seed in the garden at his house, and once it sprouted moved it to a different location, and it was growing fairly well until we abandonned it. Now lately I've been planting seeds, yet none have even sprouted. So why exactly did my...
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    Is turning a male plant hermy a good/plausible idea?

    I figure that way I could get a little bud instead of none, right?
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    New outdoor plant reaching, will this work?

    It's in the woods in an area which apparently has a bit too much shade. Would surrounding the plant with foil help it get some extra light that it needs?
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    If I planted now...

    Since the season is nearing its end and the days are getting shorter, wouldn't that mean that outdoor plants would spend less time in the veg state and start flowering more quickly?
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    What if I grew entirely in Dixie cups?

    I realize it's dumb, but I'm being serious. Would it be too small and cause the plant to die, or would I get a mini-plant?