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  1. S

    anyone else familiar with this worm on cannabis plant?

    i grow outdoor balcony n i saw couple of these on my cannabis plant eating leaves n buds...anyone knows what are these???
  2. S

    not growing anymore.should i HARVEST?

    it SATIVA strain and i cannot see her growing since 2 weeks she is 10 weeks old..i know sativa takes a bit longer to mature but ..its not growing not growing anymore i mean the BUD SIZE and everything.. so should i harvest now?will it hav a good high? here are the...
  3. S

    difference between legal marijuana n street marijuana?so dark n compressed?

    this is the one thing that always comes to my mind when i buy street/illegal marijuana...why is this street stuff is so dark n sticky n like it is so much pressed!?!? n while i see on legal cannabis stores they are lighter in shade n bit fluffy and loose?? do street marijuana dealers put some...
  4. S

    cannabis sativa's 6th week flowering.small buds?

    my sativa is flowering n its in 7th week .i know sativa takes a bit long to mature ...but do you think this plants buds are too small for 7th week?n when do u think it will b ready for harvest??and this plants almost all fan leaves got yellowed n fell off is it normal ?? here are d pics :peace:
  5. S

    4th week of flowering sativa! small buds?

    4th week of flowering (from seed) its sativa..iv heard sativa takes long time to mature but is my plant tooooo slowwww?? or wat? pics attached.. any idea how lang it may take to gt fully mature???? :sleep:
  6. S

    some hairs got totally brown while others are white in the same plant!

    i was told that when ur plant is mature enough ..the hair will start showing a brownish color..but my plant is in 2nd week flowering and what i sw today is..some hair are totally brown and some are like really white the same plant!!hav a look at pic 1st is of brown hair and second of...
  7. S

    changing back to 20/4 will continue flowering?

    just got my marijuana plants into flowering ..abt 1 week ..for the veg stage my light period was 20/4 and for flowering i changed it to 12/12, now..since it is flowering...i was thinkin if i change it back it 20/4 will it stop flowering or will it continue to flower???:roll::roll::roll:
  8. S

    again to 20/4 will it continue flowering?

    just got my marijuana plants into flowering ..abt 1 week ..for the veg stage my light period was 20/4 and for flowering i changed it to 12/12, now..since it is flowering...i was thinkin if i change it back it 20/4 will it stop flowering or will it continue to flower???:roll::roll::roll:
  9. S

    is it showing sex or its jst another leaf growth?

    is this one showing sex or its jst a new growth of leaves???if its showing sex, is it a female?? i hope so! :D
  10. S

    is this a MALE plant??pl

    saw some changes in my plant..i m leaning to wards male but not yes so sure...what do u say ppl?? the pic below let me know what u guys think..! asap! peace
  11. S

    short cannabis plants?how?

    i wanna grow some really sort plants of cannabis...i hav sativa so its gonna how can i keep them short n hav good quality buds?? these are the pics i found over internet..hope u get some idea from these pictures about what m talking about ppl please help...n advice...
  12. S

    shit pests all over!!! :(

    i got these kind of tiny bugs or insects all over my cannabis plant(the other side of leaf which faces down) ...the pic me how can i remove them using homemade pesticides ... p.s the pic is not of cannabis leav but of plant near it which has same insects as my weed plant !!! please...
  13. S

    is this normal grow?

    my plantf fan leaves getting yellow from below...n falling off...its 2 months old..i need u ppl to say if this much growth is normal for 2 month or it is doing too slow?? n do u see any problem with this plant plz inform .. :joint::joint::-?
  14. S

    mom loving my cannabis plant!!help!!

    these days m living with my parents bcoz of some personal issue i planted some seeds on my moms bedroom its been 5 months..and i think ready to there is the problem- my mom waters n takes care of that plant with all other plants but she DOSENT know that this is...
  15. S

    which strain it could be?

    this plant looks sativa...but which exact strain it is?? i got the seeds from dealer in india , mumbai .. heres d pic____
  16. S

    WHAT should i do to them!!

    my plant 2 month old...seems healthy !! now i see some new leaves cumming out..wat should i do??? should i let them grow or pluck them off? if i let them grow will it effect the buds which will come after that? or will plucking those small cumming leaves will help buds grow earlier or faster...
  17. S

    upload your 2 month old cannabis plant pictures! help needed

    its my 1st grow!!!!!! my weed plant is almost 2 month old and i really need to compare with your plants !!please upload ur 2 month cannabis plant pictures!!!pl...:leaf::leaf: if its sativa it would be awesome bcoz i hav sativa...but you can upload any indica or also sativa....:fire::weed::leaf:
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    disappointed ! turns out to b male!!!!!

    this is my 2nd growth my 1st grow both were female n i loved it and i made charas(resin rubbed and extracted from live plant) of them !! BUT i hav been growing my 2nd grow i took very good care of them much more then the previous one(females) ..and today i could see their sex and they...
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    flipped to 12/12 previously was 18/6 growth completely stopped

    my plant is 2.5 month old light periods were 18/6 it was growing well and now i changed it to 12/12 n since 2 weeks its not growing at all!! pic is below.. plant is healthy ..i water it as i used to do before!! THE GROWTH IS COMPLETELY STUNNED/STOPPED !!! :roll:bongsmilie