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  1. H

    Time to harvest?

    Just hit the 7/8th week of flowering...time to chop her down? I've already cut 3 main buds off and 2 of the smallest, mainly for light reasons...but I thinmk she may be finished now anyway? Also, check out that purple tinge she's got because of the low temps we're having!
  2. H

    How many more weeks?

    So i'm 3 days away from week 6 of flowering with CFL's. Still feeding 1ml BioGrow / 3ml BioBloom / teaspoon of molasses per litre. How much longer has she got to go? She's sticky as fuck and stinks the house out! If you touch one of the buds, it will stick your fingers together like glue! The...
  3. H

    Diagnose my leaf problem. HELP!

    I'm about to hit the 5th week of flowering...and over the past week or so my top leaves have been going brown and crispy...the bottom of the plant is still lush and green. Set up is: 250w Red CFL 1ml biogrow / 3ml biobloom / teaspoon of molasses per litre of water Not sure what the PH is. Any...
  4. H

    Something wrong with my top cola?

    I'm on day 19 of flowering using sunlight / red 250w CFL and I'm using 1ml biogrow, 2ml biobloom and a small amount of molasses per litre of water. The top cola doesn't "Look right"...anyone know what's up? This stips are purple because of some major stress she went through recently during a...
  5. H

    Day 17, 250w CFL. Bud-porn!

    Mmmm, looks sticky!
  6. H

    12 days flowering, 250w CFL. Pictures!

    Here's my lovely girl on the 12th day of flowering. I'm using a single 250w red CFL, and I'm feeding 1ml Biogrow / 2ml Biobloom / molasses. She got heavily stressed (lots of purple stems) when I repotted her just over a week ago, because a lot of roots were torn off...but she has recovered now...
  7. H

    Ripped off roots whilst flowering.

    5 days ago I transplanted my plant into a bigger pot and accidentally ripped off like 1/3 of the roots. The plant had been flowering for a week or so and now the stems of new growth are going pretty dark purple. One of the first pistils that showed has now gone purple and shriveled, although...
  8. H

    Dark purple stems.

    So the top stems of my plant are starting to go quite purple on the top half, but are still green underneath. Is this just the strain, or something to do with deficiency / heat / light? There are also some purple bits in the new growth where the budsites will be...what's that all about?
  9. H

    3rd day of CFL light flowering *pics*

    Check it out...tell me what you think! I haven't started using flowering nutes yet because they haven't arrived, but they should do tomorrow.
  10. H

    When to add Molasses?

    Do you add Molasses for the whole flowering period? I've been flowering for a few days now, and I'm about to start feeding 1ml biobloom and 1ml biogrow. Is it better to use Mol when buds actually form? Also, how much do you add per liter of water?
  11. H

    250w Red CFL, enough to flower?

    So I'm thinking of buying just one of these with a reflector...would this be enough to flower just 1 plant?
  12. H

    What nutrients are needed for flowering?

    So the plant just started the 12/12 schedule and the first pistils are appearing now. I'm going to buy some nutrients later today, but we don't get the same brand named stuff as you guys in the what ingredients should I look out for? e.g. something high in potassium etc. Any help...
  13. H

    Generic "Male, Female or too early?" thread.

    Hey folks, These pictures are all from the same plant. What do you think? Thanks.
  14. H

    First time grower, pics!

    Hey guys, I'm a first time grower...I'm sick of buying Grit so I decided to grow my own. It's been growing for about 6 weeks. I topped it today, so it looks a bit smaller than it was! Here are the pics: I think it's turned out great for a first attempt. It's been grown naturally in the...