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  1. W

    How often do ppms change?

    I just got the hannah Primo microprocessir TDS meter, calibrated it with the HI 70032 calibration soulution and then used it on my brita filterd water in my resivour then ph'd it to 5.5 approx and it gave me a reading of 150ppm. With neutriants i added to the water, Flora Nova Grow &...
  2. W

    Neut Burn on new growth. ANYTHiNG i CAN DO?

    Ive got burnt brown tips on my 3wk old Grapefruit KuSH. the burns are small but on 90% of the leaves. Is there anything i can do for it? or to not have this problem again in the future. it started onjust the lower leaves so i changed the water a Ph and added the neutrients so the water should be...
  3. W

    HELP! My Mazars possibly drowning.

    The rockwool is heavy so im thinking it got overwaterd. The smallets leaves closest to the base of the plant started wilting and turning brown first, then this morning it looked like this. any ideas?
  4. W

    Using 4 150W CFLS for Veg will this be enough?

    As the title says im using 4 150 watt CFLs for vegatation. The lights are approximatly 1.5 ft from the plants. Is this enough wattage and should the plants be closer to the light?