Search results

  1. zest

    Caterpillar good for anything?

    Hey guys, it's been awhile but I've been occupied with working so I haven't been on to post much of my summer garden. Anyways, since I've bee so busy I haven't kept on my spray schedule and got those god damn caterpillars! I've been picking them off so far and spraying tonight but there's shit...
  2. zest

    My first outdoor season summer 2014

    I was asked to put together a thread of my season so far. I was initially planning on starting one when I started my seeds but between providing updates and balancing my job and the work required at my grow site I just didnt have the time. I wont sit here and spend all day long on it but I...
  3. zest

    roots popping out under smart pots

    hey guys, was wondering if any of you outdoor growers can chime in on this. about a week ago i posted a thread trying to find out wth was going on with my plants ( ) ... thought it might be a ph issue but I hadnt had the problem...
  4. zest

    heat stress causing a potassium def?

    whaddup guys, I made a thread about a week ago right after I noticed I had some heat stress on one of my girls. It got up to 105 here and it really did one of my girls no good. I saw some curled up leafs in various spots but it was already too late to do anything about it. I cant move my plants...
  5. zest

    dealing with heat stress outdoors?

    Just wondering how you guys deal with heat stress?....besides having fans around your garden. It suppose to be pretty hot tomorrow (105) and just went out today to check on my girls and it looks like a few of them got a little bit of heat stress, leafs curled up and dried out. Im going to be...
  6. zest

    Garden Notices

    Hey guys quick question. Im curious as to what paper work I should have hanging on the outside of my fenced garden incase the boys decide to show up. I have my scripts in a binder and a sign for any helicopters reading that its a medical garden but I've seen pictures of other gardens that have...
  7. zest

    Making worm casting tea with a portable hot tub pump

    I was wondering if u guys think it would be possible to use this air pump I have with this old hot tub I have laying around? I'm brewing some teas in a 55 gallon drum and unfortunately I don't have the air pumps I need to do the job until I can make it down off the mountain and get some good...
  8. zest

    Ph problem? or light burn...or nute burn

    hey guys, wondering if you can give me some help here with my plants. First, my plants have been vegging in a tent under an HPS for about 2 months in roots. i just recently transplanted and put the plants outdoors. i kind of had to rushed putting the plants outdoors because I didn't have my...
  9. zest

    Panda Film for light dep?

    Quick question for you guys. I'm running a 20x48 greenhouse this summer and was wondering what film you guys think I should use for light dep? Ive seen all kinds of different materials and I'm running low on cash so was wondering if panda film would be sufficient enough for 1 season?
  10. zest

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    whaddup. popped a few tangie beans and placed them in rapid rooters and then stuck them in some happy frog soil in solo cups and about all of them started to look like this. At first site i though maybe it was a little light burn so I raised my T5 and it just kept growing like this. Thinking...
  11. zest

    Roots Organics Soil or Fox Farms Oceans Forest

    quick questions for you guys, been using coco for my previous grows and wanna switch to soil for the experience. I started some seeds out in FFHF in solo cups and need to transplant this weekend. Some plants took the HF pretty well and others needed something more. I was thinking of goin...
  12. zest

    Storage for a large amount of Super soil

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on how to prep a large amount of super soil for this coming summer. Basically Im going to need about 2300 gallons and need to know of a way to store it. I plan on making it Mid-April and there has to be an easier way to store that...