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  1. H

    Awwwww! Please help!

    So the worst thing happened that could possibly happen. I went out of town for three days so I had a friend stop by to check on my plants...which are about two to three weeks from harvest...but she never came by and the power went off. I am not sure if it slowed down the timer changing the light...
  2. H

    Stupid gnats!

    I have been trying to grow organic...but i now have a slight gnat infestation. What is the best way to get rid of them? I am two weeks into my flowering cycle. Thanks!:wall:
  3. H

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency? Please help....

    I am very confused by my plants right now. The first image is what has been happening to my older leaves at the bottom of the plants. Nutrient burn or a phosphorous deficiency? The second image is what has been happening to my new leaves shortly after starting the flower cycle. Does this look...
  4. H

    Flowering Light Cycle: Help!

    So I just started my flowering cycle about a week ago and I have successfully plucked out all my males very quickly. I have to leave for a funeral and I will be gone for 18 hours and I don't have anyone who can come turn my lights off. Would it be better to leave them in the dark or the light...