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  1. R

    Follow-up to week 6 Calcium Deficiency

    So I posted last week what the group collectively identified as a Calcium or Manganese deficiency. I added lime to my top soil and watered. A week later, some of the leaves have turned to this: Is this continued Calcium deficiency or something else? I'm growing in 2 gallon pots of...
  2. R

    Week 5 of flower, spots on leaves

    Just starting week 5 of flower and she's looking pretty. I was looking at her today and saw brown spots had appear about to 3 branches down on one of my branches. You can see it on the center fan leaf - notice the brown spots. Another angle: Any idea what this may be?
  3. R

    Brown spots on seedlings?

    So this plant is just over a week old. I have it under an LED using Ocean Forrest. No nutrients have been added, just tap water I let sit for 24 hours to remove any chlorine. Brown spots have appeared on the leaves and this has never happened before? Any idea what this could be?
  4. R

    Need options so as to not lose my grow

    So I just got informed that I have to travel for work for 3 weeks. Normally not the end of the world, but the day I have to fly is when my plant should be ready. Obviously I can't just trim and leave the bud hang for 3 weeks. I have no idea what could transpire during that time and can't have...
  5. R

    Should I remove these lower buds...

    So this is my 3rd grow and the first one to not be a complete fuck up (please be nice :blsmoke:). I'm 5 weeks into flowering using a 500w CFL and a LED side light. I've used Happy Frog for soil in a 3 gallon pot and followed the FF feeding schedule to the letter. She may not be much to you...
  6. R

    Plant was doing amazing yesterday - now this

    So Sunday I did a little pruning to open up flower sites. Yesterday (Monday) morning I do my normal water routine. I come home from work and check out my plant and she's fine. I woke up this morning to see this: When I got home I noticed brown coloring appearing on the leaves as well. Any...
  7. R

    Am I right that this is nutrient burn?

    So I put my plants into flower phase a little over a week ago. Last Tuesday, I water with 50/50 water and water with 5-30-30 to avoid nute burn. So I came home from the holiday to find the lower pedals of my girls yellow and dead. I removed them hoping it was just the lower pedals dying off...
  8. R

    Help! I just started to flower my plants and one collapsed!

    First time grower. I decided it was time to start to flower these two and swapped my 6500 for 2700s. The one on the right seems ok, but the one on the left collapsed in like an hour. I watered them yesterday, so I know it didn't happen just like that to over watering. What could it be?
  9. R

    Does this look right?

    First time grower. Using 2 105w 6500 CFLs. This is 3 weeks in: Does everything seem to be ok? Can I sex the plants yet? For reference, the strain is White Widow.