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  1. knucklehead

    MK Ultra

    Here are some MK Ultras i got from clone. I grew them in an ebb/flow table under a 600. they were really fast finishers.
  2. knucklehead

    Serious Seeds "White Russian" Day 63 - Pics!

    here are two Serious Seeds "white russians" from seed. They were put into 12/12 63 days ago. One plant (wr1) is taller, skinner, and finishing faster then the shorter, thicker one (wr2). wr2 had 10-15 male flowers pop out around week 6. They were removed over the course of three or four days and...
  3. knucklehead

    odor control or lack of control

    OK everybody i have a 4' x 8' area where i grow roses that are very smelly. i have a 6" squirrel cage with a 6" carbon filter attached. my room is made from panda wrapped around a wooden frame with a concrete floor. my room is sealed but not as good as i thought it would be. so im looking for...
  4. knucklehead

    leaves twisting and curling down - PICS

    so this plant is 10 weeks old and is 3 weeks into flowering. things were going great until last friday then i noticed all the leaves around the bud sites cupped and curled down - it looks like an eagles claw. i didnt make any changes to the system other than spaying all the plants with seltzer...