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  1. sausageman87

    Flower day 1 and day 5

    Yall still think ill be ok abd these wont outgriw the tent?
  2. sausageman87

    I think these got too big

    This is day 3 of flower do you think these back two is too big?
  3. sausageman87

    cheapest way to veg

    What is the cheapest way to veg one plant at a time? I have a 1000w HID im useing to flower plants now. I vegged them with the 1000w as well and my power bill almost doubled.whats the cheapest way to veg one plant at a time for a month then put it under the 1000w to flower? I plan to put one...
  4. sausageman87

    tieing em down

    Tied more branches down today.
  5. sausageman87

    tied all the limbs down

    I tied all the limbs down with pipe cleaners for better light penetration. A week ago I picked all the limbs with single fan leaves. This look right?
  6. sausageman87

    Outdoor Strains

    Im getting my soil ready for grow season this year. This is my first time growing outdoors. I currently have some wonder woman, venus fly trap, cherry bomb, and ice bomb inside and I plan on takibg a few clones off of these to plant outdoors. What do yall think? Think these will do good outdoors...
  7. sausageman87

    two plants @ 35 days two @ 25

    The two back plants have been sprouted now for 35 days and the two front ones for 25 days. This is my first grow so I was wondering what yall thought about them two front ones becsuse the look stunted or sonething.
  8. sausageman87

    bomb seeds and nirvana

    From nirvana I got wonderwoman and venus fly trap from bomb seeds I got ice bomb and cherry bomb. My question is do these do well indoors and out I plan to put xlones outdoors this spring from all 4. what technique do they respond to best indoors?
  9. sausageman87

    10 plants every 2 weeks?

    I need advice on if this will work to harvest 10 plants every 2 weeks. I start off with 20-30 clones for 2 weeks move 10 of them to a veg chamber for 2 weeks Move those 10 to flower and replace them with 10 more to veg for 2 weeks. And you will end up with 4 different dwc totes with 10 apiece...
  10. sausageman87

    defoliation first grow

    This is my first grow ever. Seeds were put in rockwool cubes on Dec. 28th, strain is venus fly trap, 1000w HPS, GH 3part, Hiesenberg tea every 3-4 days, topped and defoliated them 4 days ago. My question is did I defoliate them correctly? I picked off all the single fan leafes and suppercropped...
  11. sausageman87

    Venus Fly Trap/ Wonderwoman 4x4 1000watts topping question

    I have two venus fly traps and two wonderwoman that I started from seeds they sprouted 3 weeks ago been under a 1000w HPS its whole life they are in 4 seperate DWC buckets I have 6 more to put clones from them in and ill put them under CFLs at first causr I think a 1000w HPS is a waste for the...