Search results

  1. hype281

    LED advice please

    I have a 2x3x5 grow space im looking for a 2 cob build with the most efficiency and efficiacy -- im only growing max 3 plants at a time (leaning towards cxb3590 cob, but any other builds welcome) -- id prefer it if I could replace the cobs in this thing...
  2. hype281

    Help before I screw up - first time

    So.. my plant growth has been kind of slow can anyone tell me why (they are autoflowers so i feel they should be much faster) ? Is it because too close to light? too far from light? temps, humidity? watering problem?? or because i started them in final pot?? growing 2 plants left side barneys...
  3. hype281

    I screwed up.. I think.. Whats wrong with this?

    im a newb guys.. whats going on with this seedling should i do something diff been watering with tap water 60ml per day to keep coco moist.. maybe its too wet?? but i didnt put like a dome or anything on top.. check images.. stem purplish towards top or am i paranoid i keep checking on it.. soil...