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  1. Blunt Africa Sr

    Blunt's Mysteriously Magical Mix... Or not.

    Hi All So I was rooting out some old stuff from my closet today and came across this .... For all you young padiwans out there that is a container used to hold a 35mm camera film. In the days before digital cameras. Ask your folks, they will tell ya. So when I opened it up I found these...
  2. Blunt Africa Sr

    African Indoor Grow - DIY DWC with 10 yr old Feminised Cinnamon Seed

    Hi All Just joined up here recently and thought I would get stuck in with my first hydro grow for about, ooooh..... 5 years or so... Here are the gory details.... Feminised Cinnamon seed that I got about 10 years ago.... this will be in a 35litre ( about 10 gallon for those still scared of...
  3. Blunt Africa Sr

    Gypsy's Magical Mystery Mix circa 2006/07

    Hi all I got a freebie pack of these MMM back in about 2006/07 and I'm aware that there has been lots of discussions over what actually was in this mix... namely seeds from Sagarmatha.... but the actual strains were not divulged..... I have 3 of these seeds left and want to shortly germinate...
  4. Blunt Africa Sr

    Greetings From South Africa

    Hey All Greeting from sunny South Africa.... pleased to come on board here at RIU. A little history real quick.... I used to grow and smoke years ago but gave up both around 2011.... but recently a friend was diagnosed with cancer and has been taking cannabis oil as an alternative...