Search results

  1. M

    CBD caps clean?

    My good wife has arthritis in her hands, knees, hips, everywhere. When diagnosed by a multitude of doctors, their only solution was Naproxin, prednisone, and methotrexate. I'll leave you to Google those drugs, but we soon learned of the side effects. So we turned to cannabis. With amazing...
  2. M

    Is it tincture or is it oil?

    Well, my "oil" finally arrived. It suffered through an address error and so it took a while to arrive. Now, I'm not sure what I have. Here's the labelling: PURE CBD TINCTURE CO2 extracted CBD Hemp oil in Coconut Carrier Oil And on the back: DOSAGE: 3 ml ~ 25 mg (threshold dose) Users can...
  3. M

    Returning newbie

    The last time I had a grow room, I used a flood and drain system.... 24 years ago! I had plenty of access to water and lots of room for large tables. Now I'm looking at 2 smaller spaces, each one 4' by 8'. I'm thinking one for veg and one for flowering. Do you think i should go back to a...