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  1. B

    where to get rolls?

    i was wondering if there is a easier way to get rolls. like buy off the net or something? where can i find some rolls?
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    what is a good site to get shrooms and supplies?

    i tryed growing shrooms a couple months ago and my friend was growing to and he was doing the pf tek and i decided to do that too. so i followed every direction with the jar,pressure cooker and ingredient and i bleached my whole bathroom and everything and they all got contaminated.. is there a...
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    please help,did i get wrong light?????

    i went to lowes and got a cfl that has 3900 lumens and it says 300 watt but it says 65 watt and i got 2 of them for my plant. it is a bright effects l65tn 300 watt that was $17 each. im not sure if its suppossed to be blue or red?? it says soft white light?
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    where to get 3-way splitter

    yes i bet this has been answered alot but i went on the lowes,home depot,walmart site and none of those fucking pieces of shits have even the y splitter on there site and im going fucking crazy. i have tryed searching socket,splitter,y splitter,cfl,adapter,twin adapter, and im going fucking...
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    can i use this 18 watt light to grow?

    i just found this laying around and was wondering if i could use it?? please give me a answer and dont tell me to get another light or etc. thanks
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    Minimum Amount of Light To Keep Plant Alive

    minimum amount of light to keep a plant alive? like whats the smallest light i could give it to keep it alive indoor and if i grow it outdoors how many hours of light does it need to survive? would it shock if i put it outdoor at 11am-5pm then keep it inside? it is 60 degree and sunny during day...
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    1 week old plant outdoor?

    it was grown indoor and had it under a 400 watt mh. after a week i had to get rid of the light and everything for personal reasons. it is about 50-60 degree here in the day and it really get dark around 5pm and it get to aroud 30 degree and below at night i was wondering could i put it...
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    where can i get some legit lortab,oc,xanax?

    what website can i get some legit fucking oxycontin,tabs,xanax. so if anyone who has gotten any of thse from a website which website? no fucking smart ass remarks please.
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    what visa debit card do i need???

    im wanting to buy seeds from attitude but i heard you need a specific visa gift card?? if so what visa gift card should i get?if i get my seeds from attitude and there broken or cracked will attitude give me free seeds and shipping??how is there customer service?
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    what seeds should i get??

    i am not sure which of these seeds i should get,white widow,mango,blueberry,ice,ak47,lowryder? i am growing indoor and i want something that will stay under 2 feet tall and will make alot of bud.i want it to flower under 2 months.i have been thinking about getting white widow but am not sure...
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    amsterdam closes cafe...
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    germination/sprout? help

    i used the bowl,plate method to germinate 4 bagseeds on thanksgiving day and 2 of them germinated about 4 days later and there roots came out so i planted them in a plastic cup and the soil was wet so i didnt water it. i put them outside thinking they would grow but it was to cold and i forgot...
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    in the past month, 3 helicopter have flown over my house? does that mean anything? do helicopter go out during winter to find plants in houses?? i just started growing yesterday with a 400 watt mh light.
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    how far should i keep 400watt light?

    how far should i keep 400watt light from a seed i just put in soil. it hasnt even sprouted yet? can some one tell me how far i should keep the light for every stage of growth?
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    what should i do?

    i was thinking about buying some seeds from the net but i wanted to try to germinate some shitty seeds just to make sure i dont mess up the ones im going to buy and its been 3 days and the root showed and i got 2 paper towel got them wet and put the seeds on it then got another paper towel wet...
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    cops listening on my phone..?

    i got in alot of trouble a couple weeks ago and had to go to the sheriff court for a wreckless driving and it end up being worse they put me on house arrest for 1 1/2 month of house arrest they gave me a ankle monitor and stuff..what fucked me over was my phone. i have a iphone and they have a...
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    i live in oklahoma, whats the best site to buy seeds

    hey im new to this site and im wondering whats the best website to buy seeds from if i live in oklahoma and if i should get a p.o box or what? is there anyone else from oklahoma who have bought seeds? if so from what website? how long does it take the seeds to get to oklahoma?