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  1. C

    hello from taiwan

  2. C

    seed harvest

    i harvest 100+ lowryder 2 seeds last long it takes for seeds to dry?..and how long it takes b4 i can germinate these seeds for the next run....tks for the help
  3. C

    need some help...tks

    i harvest 100+ lowryder 2 seeds last long it takes for seeds to dry?..and how long it takes b4 i can germinate these seeds for the next run....tks for the help
  4. C

    hermie lowryder 2

    i am growing feminized lowryder 2 .and one of them didn't show sex until 35 days..and it turn out to be hermie...what shoud i do with it?...get rid of it or grow it maybe get some seeds for the next round?....tks
  5. C

    need help....lowryder2 35 days

    i have 10 feminized lowryder 2 going ..35days..they r green and bush ..but 4 out of 10 r not flowering...what should i do to make them to start to flower....tks
  6. C

    hello from China

    I'm wondering if there's anybody from china at this forums :bigjoint:
  7. C

    can it fit into my mailbox?

    i order some seeds from Attitude about 9 days ago.(stealth with t-shirt).....i am wondering if the package from Attitude can fit into my mailbox.....(2 cm*15 cm)....tks
  8. C

    which one is better?

    dope-seed seedbank and attitude seedbank.......which one has better stealth shipping?.............tks
  9. C

    1 ponud from these seeds?..possible?

    first time..never grow anything b4....this will be a indoor soil grow...2 400hps bulb(hang vertical)+some t5+few cfl.....and a big room........ 15 lowryder 2(feminized)....10 lowryder 2(regular)....5 white dwarf (feminized)....60 poison dwarf(regular)....all auto seeds....going to plant these...
  10. C

    seed bank

    anyone order from this seed bank b4?...
  11. C

    auto flower strain???

    is this a auto flower strain or not?.......tks......
  12. C

    is hps bulb dangerous?

    what r the reasons would cause hps bulb to blow up?.......tks
  13. C


    is it ok if i grow with this kind of reflector?....tks
  14. C

    400watt hps grow light system...need help

    i want to buy a set of 400 watt hps+mh system ..but i can't find any on line store which has wolrd wide shipping.:wall:......can someone give me a suggestion how to purchase grow light from u.s........thank u all.......
  15. C

    400 hps.

    is it ok if i use this light to flower?...tks..................
  16. C

    auto strains with coco?

    is it ok to grow auto strains with coco?...tks
  17. C

    what is the different?

    what is the different with dry and cure?