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  1. Anti.social1x69

    Pale yellowing leafs more and more please help...

    So there on 22 light now and 2 dark, watered every 2 days as the soil runs dry, 2 small fans and a bigger one, 6 26watt cfl bulbs.. only have nutrients once so far there 19 days old. Other 2 plants came back to life as this third one seems to be dying more and more. Please help
  2. Anti.social1x69

    Auto flower female sour diesel plants kicking my ass....

    So had yellowing leafs the other day gave nutrients, now I'm wondering are they looking or doing better, my biggest baby has leafs curled toward the light, not sure if it's cause it's to hot or light burn or what. I use organic soil, gave nutrients once in the beginning and once 2 days ago. 6...
  3. Anti.social1x69

    Any idea please

    I have 3 plants auto flower sour diesel about 2 weeks old. 2 small powerfully fans and 6 26watt aka 100 watt cfl 2700k 1750 lumens each. Adding more but how many would be a good amount for veg. I have other ideas for flowering with the cfl lights and others thanks
  4. Anti.social1x69

    Any idea please

    I have 3 plants auto flower sour diesel about 2 weeks old. 2 small powerfully fans and 6 26watt aka 100 watt cfl 2700k 1750 lumens each. Adding more but how many would be a good amount for veg. I have other ideas for flowering with the cfl lights and others thanks
  5. Anti.social1x69

    My setup, plus my 3 sour diesel auto's. Should I add more lights?

    So I have 3 baby's 2 weeks old about, all needed nutrients, that's done now. 2 small fans, 6, 100 watt cfl bulbs 1750 lumens each. on a timer 18 light, 6 dark. Pic posted are the veg room under the dirt underneath my steps underground. Rubber sided wood Walls put up and silver lining for...
  6. Anti.social1x69

    Need advice.

    Yellowing leafs, 3 plants, 2 weeks and a few days old. Very strong smell but worried about these leafs..
  7. Anti.social1x69

    Not to sure but i need help.

    So to start they are only about 2 weeks old, not the first time for me growing indoors but seems I have an issue. Pics posted any idea would be appreciated thanks. Also, 3 different pics because 3 different plants.