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  1. B

    Burns Started at Leaves. Need Help

    Hello, First time grower here. I am growing indoors. Yesterday i saw a few burning signs around some leaves and tought they were because of spilling water on them but now i saw many leaves had burning marks as seen in the uploaded pics. The tents heat somethimes reaches 31-32 C degrees. Could...
  2. B

    Getting Seed Problems

    I ordered seeds from MSNL and they sent the seeds however it seems customs took the seeds and just sent me and empty package. Now they are gonna resend the seeds but wont the same thing happen ? I mean do they use the same method while resending ?
  3. B

    My First Setup

    Hi everyone. I am working on my first setup. I ordered a 3m x 2m x 2m lighthouse max tent for growing. And i have some questions regarding my setup and choice of items. Before anything else i have to tell you i have searched what to buy both from this forum and other sites however many items do...