Search results

  1. Aleister93

    DIY Aeroponics Arduino Timing

    There are arduino ph sensor shields, I think they have them on the arduino store site? I know I saw them somewhere.
  2. Aleister93

    Trichome Sunflower

    Didn't that eat the baron in "DUNE"?
  3. Aleister93

    How do i know what CFM fan i need to clean my room HELP!!!!!!

    95 x 50 x 160 WHAT? meters? furlongs? fathoms? I'll take a wild stab, and guess that you meant inches. I always read and heard that you want to exchange your room air once per minute. IF this is so, lets see how many cubic feet your room is, and go from there. (95/12)ft x (50/12)ft x (160/12)ft...
  4. Aleister93

    HELP! RO ph is 5.9

    when is the last time you calibrated your ph meter?
  5. Aleister93

    plants die immediately from heat?

    1. Add fans directly blowing on the plants. 2. Increase distance from plants to lamp. The inverse-square law is your friend. 3. Add cooling system for light, such as cool tube. and duct fan. bakearounds can be used for this. 4. improve ventilation in grow area. vents, exhaust fans, evaporative...
  6. Aleister93

    legal docs for legal medicine grow

    I would think that would vary greatly by state.... I doubt if anyone will be able to help you unless you state what state, and possibly even what county you are in.
  7. Aleister93

    Silica and cannabis

    Silica Blast: Silica Blast Plant Bio-mass Yield Enhancer stengthens plant tissue so they can flourish in adverse environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and frost. Derived from Sodium Silicate and Potassium Silicate, this nutrient supplement also enhances bloom and...
  8. Aleister93

    Silica and cannabis

    do these products offer any real advantage over say, sodium silicate, which is readily available and cheap?
  9. Aleister93

    infos about seedsman

    I love Mama Thai.
  10. Aleister93

    Is Jorge Cervantes wrong in the Horticulture Grow Bible?

    He made an error in one of his videos that cost me dearly, he said if you get hermaphrodites, just cut out the male parts. WRONG ANSWER. result, my crop was about 70% seed by weight He also said, "never put hydroton at the bottom of your soil pots" but with NO explanation as to WHY? He's...
  11. Aleister93

    DIY Cool Tube How-To

    CAN you repost the pictures? This is a great thread, hate to see it die because your photobucket account went tits-up.
  12. Aleister93

    Tower of Flower

    here are photos of the new model. six sliders or "booms" passed through drilled-out pvc T's, each held up by a hose clamp. i coiled up the interconnecting wire by wrapping it around a piece of pvc pipe, so it would spring together and stay out of the way, but still stretch out when the sliders...
  13. Aleister93

    Making hash, Oil, Tincture, THC Pills and Butter

    The answer to this seems obvious to me, sautee your material in butter or oil, then use that in combination with your vinegar, as an oil-and-vinegar dressing.
  14. Aleister93

    Light and Heat

    two things to say to you. 1) remote ballast 2) cool tube
  15. Aleister93

    bugs in my room

    If it were me, i'd find it acceptable to use a pyrethrin bomb, or spraying the hell out of the plants with strong tobacco tea. gnats can be taken care of by using diatomaceous earth on the grow medium.
  16. Aleister93

    Grape Ape Medical Garden

    I'd put a cover on the open part of your reservoirs, having them open to air and light is not a good thing, you're begging for algae and bacterial problems. Given the size of your reservoirs, you might also consider bigger/more air pumps. What size are your lights? Three feet seems like...
  17. Aleister93

    hi i was wondering if anyone could help me out here?

    in your situation, i'd go with hollow furniture. unless a box were well-ventillated, you're likely to have heat problems
  18. Aleister93

    Coolest running pump for aeroponic setup? Need recommendations...

    I would use a "swamp cooler" pump, also called an evaporative cooler. these are non-submersible pumps, mounted with the motor above water line. they add almost no heat to the water at all...
  19. Aleister93

    Fan Hookup Issues

    Get an OLD computer (the ones with flip switches on the back) and use the 12v section of the power supply?
  20. Aleister93

    Rooting hormone

    i'm not sure most rooting hormones are water-soluble. some people on here put clonex solution in their cloning tanks. something like this: