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  1. C

    Mold on my crop?

    It smells like sweet berries, the strain is purple train wreck. It's my second go around and smoking it, it gets you insanely high. (3'rd day of curing) I just want to make sure that none of that looks like mold to you guys at all.
  2. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    No that's week 6 in total :) Flipped last Friday. So the 9th
  3. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Hey =) Just wanted you guys to look at my plants for week 6 and tell me I'm headed in the right direction here. From those pictures before to these pictures at week 6 I feel like I'm properly feeding now. Basically what I did was flush the system, switch to my city water at 200ppm (fixing...
  4. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Wow that is a great DIY option. I may just do this if the calmag I got is insufficient enough. Thoughts?!
  5. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Oh okay! Do you have any suggestions on the post above by chance? :) Update, I did a lot of googling the other day and am really starting to understand what is on the back of the fox farm neuts. Needless to say my feeding methods was a bit willy nilly and next grow will be much better start...
  6. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Heya. I should mention I am using purified water so I should have definitely been using CALMAG from the beginning as far as what the internet is telling me... My question then is, how often should I put the calmag into the feed if I am feeding 1 time a week then watering 2 times a week? Do I...
  7. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    So I woke up this morning and it seems its spreading to the other leaves :( Got at least one new leaf looking like this on each plant.. I did however take your advice and start stabbing the root mass, and I am actually removing them from the buckets today (might help aeration) I am waiting...
  8. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Hi thanks for the answer. Let me see if I got this straight 1. I need to stab the roots gently with something thin all the way to the bottom to aerate the roots especially at an angle to get under the plant? 2. Afterwards I need to water them without adjusting the ph but do not give them a...
  9. C

    2nd Try.. Purple Train Wreck needs a fixin!

    Hi guys n gals. This is my second attempt, the pictures are from Friday 7/26/19 end of week 3 from the clone shop. My first was medical mass and I proceeded to neut burn .. light burn .. and every other burn to those poor plants. Needless to say it did not turn out great. This time I am fairly...