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    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Thank you for such an interesting post for this noob at indoor growing. I have recently switched over to flowering, and I'm having simular issues you described in you post...lower leves yellow, curling/darkening, and dying off (mostly the small ones at the bottom). The rest of the plant seems...

    And so it begins...

    Westmich and Dewey...I think I'll take your advise. I am going to buy some black-out curtians, and move the cabinet to the oppisite corner where the a/c vent is, so to have the cold air blowing directly at the cabinet. Then I'll move the exhaust to the top. I'm worried about stink in the future...

    And so it begins...

    Thanks fpr posting and your support Dewey and burlingo. I am having a real problem with heat. I thought I was doing fine until I move the thermometer sensor closer to the level of the lights. I can't get the temp below 90* with the door closed to the closet, and down to 83.7 with it wide open...

    And so it begins...

    Hello to all... Lots of growth today. I put 1/4 strength nutes (220 ppm) water with a ph of 6.2 on the rockwool before going to bed, and this morning I had leaves on the 2 AI, and the BG's are on the move! With recent vitality...I've placed the 4 plants into the net pots about a 1/4 from the...

    And so it begins...

    I put holes in the plastic for ventilation. The AI is really taking off. Id say a 1/4 inch since I put them in the rockwool about 10 hours ago. The bubblegum is slow to sprout, but it germ'd slower as well. I'm going to build my own cool tube to take care of the heat from the hps. I think I...

    And so it begins...

    Quick question...All the seeds germinated in 72 hours and are in the rockwool now. What I have done is make a greenhouse type environment for them the startout in. It is made from those plastic bags the bed comfortors come in. How long do I leave them in the greenhouse? The AI have already shead...

    And so it begins...

    Westmich...By all means be a critic. Especially if safety is concerned. I will raise the power strips tonight. I was actually wondering if I went a little low on those. Dont want to start a fire. I do have the entire system on 2 fuses (one in the power strip, and one in the cord) though just...

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    Bxke1414, You rock dude! I have started my grow journal today , and modeled my entire system from your design. I have been following since September, and I can't wait to see my results. The only differance between my system and...

    And so it begins...

    Hello to all!!! Here is my first journal entry of what will hopefully be a successfull 100 days of cultivation. The skinny: WATER: 7 Galons from tap: PH=9.6! PPM=120 *Began to aeriate the resivor for 24 hours to evaporate chlorine from tap water *Added Mother Earth organic nutes from...

    And so it begins...

    This is my first post on RU, but I've been trolling around for months. Thank you all for your insight, journals, questions, and comments that have lead me down the right paths. This will be my first grow with Aeroponics, and the first crop in 12 years. My previous experiance was not with...