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    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    Steve ray vaughn
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    Continued, The Obama vs Bush Arguments

    Ah this govt can make people believe anything.
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    Continued, The Obama vs Bush Arguments

    Obama is doing it right now.
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    Continued, The Obama vs Bush Arguments

    I wish I could spend 200 million dollars a day.
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    The Art of The Auto

    PIC 1 auto haze. PIC 2 roadrunner.
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    The Art of The Auto

    I got a haze auto and roadrunner about 6 days old and doing good, is it ok to run the lights 24 hours with autos the whole way?
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    My Curing Bud Has Mold!

    Did u hang them to dry first? Did you open your jars everyday?
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    Let Us Make A List Of Awesome Guitarists...

    Adam Jones of Tool for me.
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    Chocolope/Vortex/Og Kush 18 Grow

    week 2
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    Regrets to inform you, your COUNRTY is dead... because they were stupid.

    You should go stand in front of the white house with a sign that says "i feel sorry for this country because we are all idiots".
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    Regrets to inform you, your COUNRTY is dead... because they were stupid.

    Shouldn't u fault the voters who put these kinds of people into office?
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    should she be looking over the fence?

    I would think by now that its common knowledge to know that all politicians are morons.
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    My Selling Partner is Getting a Divorce. Should We Still Do Business Together?

    Keep going don't let some bitch keep u from what u love doing.
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    Chocolope/Vortex/Og Kush 18 Grow

    Day 1 12/12
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    Fuck!!!! Management told me to take out window ac!!

    Your really going to need to find a way to get your temps below 85 and stay that way, hope it all works out.
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    Male or Female? pic's

    Looks like a dude
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    Love This Song

    I give up where is waldo u think he would be easy to find;) great song, my plants danced around the whole time.
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    PH problem? Help please PICS!

    ooh yeah my ph went from 5.5 to 6.2 in doing a flush