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  1. R

    How'd I do? White Widdow Auto

    What to do if I still have presence of spider mites? I sprayed neem oil and I think it effected my bud and the taste. I still have a few more going that have spiders. I don't want to use neem oil any more.
  2. R

    Ready to harvest?

    Thanks. I'll give them another couple of weeks. I have touched them a bit. I'll keep my hands off going forward.
  3. R

    Ready to harvest?

    This has been flowering for about 10 weeks. This is my 1st grow stunted bag seed. Does it look ready to harvest?
  4. R

    How much longer till harvest?

    Hello any help welcomed. 1st grow bag seed, a lot of learning along the way. This is about week 7 in flowering 12/12 indoor grow. Top is starting to get amber all else looks lagging behind it.
  5. R

    Help, I have pictures. Flip to flower?

    Thanks Bob. Going to start my 12/12 today. Do you think I should defoliate a bit before?
  6. R

    Help, I have pictures. Flip to flower?

    Good morning. I have this plant that has been through a lot. I had a lot of stunted growth, but eventually the plant took off. This is my 1st grow. Wanting your opinion on if I should flip to flower now, as it doesn't appear to be getting much taller.
  7. R

    Help What stage is my plant in?

    This is my 1st grow attempt with bag seeds. I wanted to try these before I placed my order for official seeds. I have white widow auto but am trying to make all of my mistakes now before I start germinating the good seeds. There has been a very long journey with this plant.