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  1. DJ Redrum

    plant needs help!!!

    You also need to use a thin stick, and ties - so that the plant is supported.
  2. DJ Redrum

    What age to give nutes?

    4/5th week.
  3. DJ Redrum

    For those of you who grow in a forest..

    If you've having a problem with finding a local area, check around on Google Earth is quite useful. All you need is a rucksack, a foldable spade, some form of cover helps for the pests ect. and water supply to start with. How many are you wanting to grow? 1 trip per plant should be plenty...
  4. DJ Redrum

    Attitude: Order (Issue)

    This is understandable should they only have 1 person which deals with emails. My original message was forwarded almost a week ago, so I think the time needed for even a reply as been given. The T-Shirt was only selected with the shipping method for the cost guarantee. I think the damaged...
  5. DJ Redrum

    Attitude: Order (Issue)

    [Update] I've tried multiple times to contact Attitude about the missing and damaged items, and they still don't seem interested with replying. Looks like I may need to find a new seedbank which is more reliable for future orders.
  6. DJ Redrum

    Attitude: Order (Issue)

    I will try again with the email address and include pictures. Hopefully they're able to help. Thanks
  7. DJ Redrum

    Attitude: Order (Issue)

    Anyone ever had a similar problem with Attitude? I recently placed an order costs (£80/$130) and only received the seeds and not the T-Shirt which was selected in the shipping method - including a £12 seed selection which was damaged (crushed). I've tried to make contact but they don't seem...
  8. DJ Redrum

    Must see for outdoor guerilla growers!

    I've never seen these before. Thanks
  9. DJ Redrum

    When should i start using nutes?

    4/5th week is usually the safe time to include them slowly.
  10. DJ Redrum

    I Was Just Thinking...

    (I Disagree) The Human Race as been subjected to the possibilities of Aliens throughout our known history which can be dated to the Sumerian Civillzation, way before the push in TV/Movies/Games ect. where most people believe and are open to the idea. There as been thousands reported to have...
  11. DJ Redrum

    Is it to late to start an auto flowering plant in the greenhouse?

    This would have been better in April/May/June on a UK greenhouse setup - as the dark/cold nights are creeping up which could cause problems.
  12. DJ Redrum

    Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum

    Zeiteist is NWO propaganda. The reason why I have a problem with this 'movement,' aside from the hidden symbolism featured in these releases are mainly the solutions which are provided. "People should remove their money from ALL banks. A.S.A.P!" - Peter Joseph Because there is less than...
  13. DJ Redrum

    help little babies dying :(

    You only need to use water till 4 weeks have passed, then you can add minor nutes so they don't overload while small. :leaf:
  14. DJ Redrum

    Plant stress due to transplant...HELP!

    Yeah. I would only transplant something which hasn't been watered for atleast 2 days.
  15. DJ Redrum

    Plant stress due to transplant...HELP!

    It's always best to water them after any transplant, and place them in a dark area to recover from any heavy shock (root loss ect.)
  16. DJ Redrum

    Help! I topped my plant wrong!

    I have another two plants which haven't been cut, so I'll leave those as they are. I still can't believe that I made the wrong area - would this make the bottom ones bigger than average now that the top was removed by mistake?
  17. DJ Redrum

    Help! I topped my plant wrong!

    I have topped my plant earlier and I believe that I've done it wrong - as from checking the below image I've done to low! As anyone else before done this wrong by mistake? What will happen to the plant? Will it grow back, or will the plant now focus on the below area's insted of the top where it...
  18. DJ Redrum

    Help! When should I start feeding? (Canna Products)

    Thanks for the reply I appreciate it. At the moment the plants are nearly 3 weeks old and are in a greenhouse. I have been watering them every 2-3 days recently. They are in Canna Terra Soil as I decided to pay the money for the high quality products. Do you think it would be best to add the...
  19. DJ Redrum

    Help! When should I start feeding? (Canna Products)

    Does anyone know how often I should use the Canna Vega in a weeks amount, also when should I move to the next Canna Flores & P-K13/14? At the moment I haven't used anything other than water and there 2 weeks into it. I heard that it's best to start the feed around the 3rd week, is this about right?
  20. DJ Redrum

    Help! Canna Products - Which Do I Need?

    Does anyone know how often I should use the Canna Vega in a weeks amount, also when should I move to the next Canna Flores & P-K13/14? At the moment I haven't used anything other than water and there 2 weeks into it. I heard that it's best to start the feed around the 3rd week, is this about right?