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  1. B

    Truth or Lie?

    sorry i was in a hurry and still very pissed off
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    Truth or Lie?

    i found out that there are no statute of limitations on felonies in the state of NC. he didnt have to be charged at the time in theory. He still talks to me when i call and his story has only changed a little bit, mostly still the same wth more details popping up
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    Truth or Lie?

    IN North Carolina there are no statute of limitations on any felonies. This means that charges did not have to be issued at the time of the crime. I know it seems sketchy but it he also has been talking to me about it , his story did change a little bit but not much.
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    Truth or Lie?

    Recently i had some weight fronted out to one of my boys who usually does good work. but this time ended up differently. He didnt pick up my calls for two days when he owed for a LB and a half. so then he calls me on monday, and claims to have goten ratted out. he went to serve some one two...
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    OH Tits! I need advice about airconditioner/humidifier units

    ^^ i dont know what duel hose means? Are you talking about the ducting on the lights? or on the ac itself get one with 2...condensate hoses? ^^^i pull huge yeilds off in that tent. Typically i have 9 x 3.5" plants in 5-gallon buckets. I always put a tomato cage in when they're young so it...
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    OH Tits! I need advice about airconditioner/humidifier units

    alright so i'm in the works of making my setup a closed system. to do this i need ann airconditioner/humidifier unit to properly control my environment. I run a 600watt Halide conversion bulb and a 400watt hps right next to each other in a 4x4x7 tent. i know i need one with settings that...
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    How many seeds from a male?

    you know how they say there isnt such a thing as a dumb question? its like being lied to about there being a santa
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    my first grow which is almost done....

    ...yer plants look weird to me
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    the uk decriminalization of cannabis threat!

    ...soooo this has nothing to do with growing indoors..
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    too late to use neem oil?

    common i cant let this thread get pushed into the depths b/c of other people showing off their grow box plans or w/e. someone knows the answer to my problem.
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    too late to use neem oil?

    alright so i have a thrip problem that i combatted during the veg. phase and i thought i counquered the little shits. Now i am noticing them making a comeback and i am several weeks into flower ( small buds). is it too late to use neem oil to try and fight these things before its too late?
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    Indoor Closet Grow PICS!!! (first ever)

    how can you be posting that group of questions man.. if you've vegged that thing for over 100 days, that is 100 days worth of time you've had to do some research. If you had done that- and then read a post similar to this one, you would laugh.
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    digital or elecronic?? HELP needed

    a 100 watt balast takes a 100 watt bulb. dont play with putting wrong bulbs in, you could have yerself a face full of glass
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    What's the best way to attach mylar ?

    this may take a few min. longer than just straight hanging it, but it looks professional, and if you tear a peice if it, it is much easier to repair. Go to walmart an get a bunch of peices of foam board. Its like 1/4 inch thick and like 2'x3'.. you can cut it to fit wherever you need on...
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    one of the most embarrasing moments in my life

    Not sure how funny yall will think this is, so take a bonghit and help me out. Back in highschool (freshmen year) i was on the wrestling team, and we had an away match- which meant that the varsity guys had to dress up; nice shoes, pants, shirt, tie. We didnt have to leave for the other...
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    oh. my. god.

    i cant beleive i forgot, it was the only reason i quoted you above^ i was gonna give a special fuck you, to you
  17. B

    oh. my. god.

    GC is full of little kids who dont know their shit. Oh, i wasn't fucking a tree. The kind of q-tip they use is like a three-inch long wooden dowel with some cotton on the end. Yea this is kind of the old school method like i said, at my old school you could get fully tested with...
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    oh. my. god.

    ive been swabbed. So i had to go to health services this morning at my school, i have a.. bump.. on my scrotum. So i went in and had everything checked out- turns out to be nothing (swolen oil gland), but to be safe, i agreed to the full STD scan. wrong move. Now at my old...
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    realistic expectations

    alright, so hypothetically speaking there are five superskunk plants (all cloned from the same momma) in five-gallon pots filled with FFoceanforest/perlite (layered) sitting in the outdoor sunlight of the EastCoast. These plants were vegged indoors until the last frost, at which point they...