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  1. sittinherebored

    where to buy salvia with good prices

    i know this has been asked about a million times and i usually wouldnt ask but im having a hard time finding a new place since bouncing bear changed and got alot more expensive. so anyone have any good sites?
  2. sittinherebored

    just an idea for a new medium

    i got a pack of these as a free gift with a package i ordered. i threw them in some water and they are pretty cool actually. could this actually be an adequate medium...
  3. sittinherebored

    my basic newbie guide

    like i said it is a very basic guide i made because i got bored that covers the basics but isnt very detailed and isnt intended to cover everything. any input would be appreciated:bigjoint: nevermind, i cant seem to upload it. sorry for pointless thread
  4. sittinherebored

    i need a favor around nyc

    my best friend moved from here to nyc for acting college and she has a break from oct9-19. if anyone could let me crash at their place for a few days it would be greatly appreciated. i really want to see her and i can pay you if neccesary. im about to go smoke my homegrown but ill be back in 5...
  5. sittinherebored

    so who else has retarded ass roomates

    so far pineapples grow on trees and there was never a stem cell research ban(all according to my roomates). im about to lose my mind with these stupid southern(ive lived in the south since b4 i can remember) retards.
  6. sittinherebored

    anyone know a good proxy for blocked computers?

    i dont need it but my friend does and all the proxys she trys are blocked. i need one that isnt blocked to get to
  7. sittinherebored

    buffalo wings make you dizzy?

    ok i know this is random but my favorite food in the world is wings and i eat them constantly but when i eat them and try to skate(board) i get dizzy. last time was when i went to wild wings and then to the skatepark. i literally fell off trying to go in a straight line and flip tricks were out...
  8. sittinherebored

    noob question

    at what temp does thca turn into thc and at what temp is the thc destroyed?
  9. sittinherebored

    i need a definite answer

    im going to mix about an eighth into a bottle of yohoo and since yohoo has no fat i know i have to heat it up. i need to know how hot i need to heat it to make the thca turn into thc without destroying the thc.
  10. sittinherebored

    how do i dry my habaneros?

    i have tabasco peppers and habanero peppers that i want to dry and ground up but im not sure how to dry them. anyone do this before?
  11. sittinherebored

    thanks for the help rui

    my first succesful grow with 2 400hps's. thanks for all the help riu
  12. sittinherebored

    my first grow finished!!!

    ok well it finished 2 months ago but i havnt had my computer. i used 2 400hps
  13. sittinherebored

    anybody even not smoked in respect for mom or dad?

    i was just wondering if im the only person who didnt ever smoke because of respect for my parents. dont get me wrong , i smoke but only since the they both passed in the same year. im just wondering if anybody had actually listened
  14. sittinherebored

    cure for nitrogen deficiency in flower?

    im 3 days into flower and i noticed several of my plants have a nitrogen deficiency which i expected as i had changed the nutes. would it be better to use 1/2 tablespoon 18-18-21 and 1/2 tablespoon 12-55-6 per gallon of water? superthrive is also added.
  15. sittinherebored

    will unfixed blown acl get a med license

    i have very chronic pain in my knee and it is VERY weak, like roll over in bed the wrong way and it pops out of its correct position. then it takes a week for me to walk right again. worse off one wrong step while walking will down me for over a month. the worst time was over 6 months. i am...
  16. sittinherebored

    water or nutes or both burning leaves?

    so i watered my plants the only day and because of the other plants its hard to water them without getting any on the leaves. so i was wondering if the nutes in the water could have burned the leaves. i dont think the tap water by itself would burn the leaves on contact
  17. sittinherebored

    plants hate fans?

    everytime i put a fan on my plants they droop and when i take it back off they are fine. i thought it would be the other way around. has anybody had this happen?
  18. sittinherebored

    wtf??!! my plants hate fans going under hps

    if i leave my fan on my plants they will droop bad but when i take them off they are healthy. wtf??!! i thought they would like they a break from the stupid heat that comes from that damn thing. just when i think i got it all down.... anybody have any suggestions? or an explanation(smart one)
  19. sittinherebored

    ahh i just about shit myself!!!!

    so my friend comes home drunk as hell after squealing tires on his way in then falls in the front yard with a box of beer. immediately after i saw those damn blue lights and i thought they were here so i was flippin shit and pulled the plug for my grow and when i went to look they had pulled...
  20. sittinherebored

    starting a shot-glass grow

    i have my garden set up right and well now and i want to grow a plant in a shotglass. how big do you think it could get? i know people have done this