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  1. Adamandweed

    Week of rain and high humidity

    You really think those 10 days are needed? Or would make a difference in quality? A storm about a two weeks ago hit this plant and broke a few branches. Dried them and they were actually pretty good… too good for how early they were harvested.
  2. Adamandweed

    Week of rain and high humidity

    This week is all cloudy with scattered rain and high humidity currently (96%) I have this plant that I believe is fairly ready to be harvested. Should I let it stay in this weather for a week or two or stay safe and chop it now. Picture of bud below.
  3. Adamandweed


    I was able to get this from the garden Center near me. Should I use this?
  4. Adamandweed


    I don’t really see many pests on it other than maybe a couple of weird coloured flies here and there. The underside is clean no eggs from the naked eye. Any ideas on how to deal with it before I lose this big bush ?
  5. Adamandweed


    I feel like it might be a calcium deficiency or something because this is reused soil that I used. And spotted dots I’m seeing on forums are similar to a calcium deficiency. I bought some Dolomite lime. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice before me topdressibg it 2tbsp/gal.
  6. Adamandweed


    I have these weird dots coming on random leaves is this a deficiency or pest?
  7. Adamandweed


    Sorry about that lol
  8. Adamandweed


    This plant has changed in colour to a very pale light green colour. The first two pics are current and the third is before. Does this mean It needs nitrogen or is it just natural? I’ve grown this strain and it wasn’t this pale at all...
  9. Adamandweed

    Should I top?

    How much Haha okay thanks
  10. Adamandweed

    Should I top?

    I was just in a rush sorry haha but I was wondering if it would be worth it to top like would it even increase yield at this point ? I only topped it once and super cropped a little.
  11. Adamandweed

    Should I top?

    Should I top this plant? I’m worried that it won’t grow from root bound or something it’s my first outdoor and I’ve never grown something this big. It’s In a 12 gal pot from a tree we planted last year. Around 15-20 main colas aswell what do you guys think?
  12. Adamandweed


    That was the only seed I got off a friend. I didn’t wanna toss it I transplanted into a 1 gal and it’s actually went back to normal except the very short topping haha. Excited to see how it turns out gonna transplant into its final home today or tomorrow!
  13. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

    This thing is an actual bush now! Last pic is the final result of this clones mom. Can’t wait for all that gas haha
  14. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

    Should I leave it there?
  15. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

    I found this mushroom is this fine? I am growing water only with Gaia green organic amendments so could this be a result of organic growing or just shade? Anyway should I take it out ?
  16. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

  17. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

    Oh damn. How much did that yield btw?
  18. Adamandweed


    I planted this sour diesel auto and ever since it sprouted its looked like a mess. I decided to leave it what’s the harm it even topped itself at a tiny height lol. Should I bother transplant?
  19. Adamandweed

    My first outdoor

    Cleaned up the bottom for airflow. I’ve been bending some of the heads to let others catch up but it’s looking huge so far. What am I gonna do with another 2 months of growth jeez. Also... the leaf colour seems to have changed into darker or something I’m not sure if this is fine or a problem ?
  20. Adamandweed

    Is it flowering or just preflower?

    it started outdoors and I had to bring it in due to the weather. It was large but I didn’t really know what I was doing so it was stretchy and what not but nonetheless I’m 6ft and I had to get a chair to go over it. Anyway yeah the larger one of two flowering should probably be transplanted...