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  1. P

    Leaf tip burn coco/perlite

    this is the chart I follow, the ppm and pH is down the bottom for each growth phase. So I would say the tip burn started at 575-600ppm during early to mid bloom.
  2. P

    Leaf tip burn coco/perlite

    In all of my last 3 grows my plants have suffered with a little bit of burnt tips, I’ve overlooked it in the past but now that my setup is fairly autonomous ive found the time to address it. I’m currently following the coco for cannabis nutrient guide for the GH flora trio nutrients. The burning...
  3. P

    Health check (late flower)

    Just wondering if it looks like I’m dealing with nitrogen toxicity again? Thought the leaves looked a bit dark. Do they look otherwise healthy?
  4. P

    After a good EC meter

    I noticed the pen was slightly out so I tried to adjust it, problem is my up and down adjustment buttons don’t actually work, so when I entered calibration mode and couldn’t adjust it I had to set it as it was. Turned it off and back on, tested it in my nutrient solution and now it just reads 0...
  5. P

    After a good EC meter

    My cheap EC pen broke down so I’m after a quality one this time. Something easy to calibrate would be good because that’s how I broke my last one. I’ve had a look at blue lab but I’m not sure which is better out of the truncheon and the EC pen. Give us your recommendations anyway. Thanks
  6. P

    LED recommendations (Around $1000usd)

    Gonna go with a HLG, but there’s only a little price difference between the HLG Scorpion Diablo 650 and the HLG 650R. Am I better off spending the extra and getting the scorpion Diablo?
  7. P

    LED recommendations (Around $1000usd)

    What size tent do you run yours in and how much do you harvest roughly?
  8. P

    LED recommendations (Around $1000usd)

    Can’t seem to find Optic LED, they might not be available where I live. I found the HLG 650r but thought I’d make sure this is definitely the one.
  9. P

    LED recommendations (Around $1000usd)

    Hey guys it’s warrior, I can’t access my old acc. So I’m looking to upgrade/replace my current light which is a Viparspectra par 1200 which actually served me well, but I want to get away from the blurple. The current light is 550w so I would ideally like something with a little more power or...