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  1. O

    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    do you have an email that would be easier to contact you for help with my project? I want to get it done soon because i already have the seeds marinating haha.
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    I have a very small closet like space in my basement. I am only trying to produce around 6 plants thats if they are female. I will be putting the reflective material all around it (which im not sure what it is called but could use help) and plan on buying a small fan for the room. What are...
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    what light would you suggest to get at ?? i was thinking a 1000 watter if im going to spend the money you know? please let me know what you think
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    i got a hook up at petco think i can use lights from there?
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    amazing thread. u wouldnt sell clones would you?

    amazing thread. u wouldnt sell clones would you?
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    WEEDMAN i check your journal it is great help. Just please see if you could help me with feeding, lighting, and soil types, also where you got your seeds.
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    I would rather it be do without the DWC if its going to be that crazy. All i want i guess is some plants in some pots. I just need to know what kind of lights and all of that information. Also any reliable seed sites i would appreciate. Thank you very much. Would also like to know how to...
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    how is this?
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    i want to get this right the first try. will be in a bsement
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    New to the site is there a how to set up a grow spot in your house?

    im thinking 6 plants, 200-500 limit, want something easy that will work real good, also need a good price very trusting site for seeds. Please help
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    also my budget is about 200-500 I want to do this correct you know?

    also my budget is about 200-500 I want to do this correct you know?
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    I am very new to this. I want just like 6 plants. i plan on getting seeds from...

    I am very new to this. I want just like 6 plants. i plan on getting seeds from if you have a better place let me know and I would like to know how i should do everything. Lights and all of that. I am going to be growing it inside my...