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  1. K

    is the brand humbolts any good?

    I have been using Humbolt's Grow, Bloom, Deuce Deuce, and Honey since January. And to be perfectly honest... they were a huge pain in the ass for me. I got decent results with them, but in order to unlock all of the Nutes in the water you have to brew them together for at least 24 hours. I was...
  2. K

    DillWeed's 2009 summer grow journal: Two Lbs. or Bust! (2x1000 watt HPS in grow tent)

    Man, I am jealous... Anyway lol... quick question for you. When you are mixing nutes up, do you just use a 1 gallon container and just add the appropriate nutes to it. And then after do you adjust the PH? Or do you adjust your PH and then add nutes. I have basically the exact same setup as...
  3. K

    Humboldt Nutes advice

    Did I say anywhere that I lived in Humboldt? lol man, did you read a word of my post? Anyway, any advice would be very helpful!
  4. K

    Humboldt Nutes advice

    Hello everyone, First off a little Info about my setup. Plants: Chocolope (d-line), Blue Moonshine, Super Skunk, Purple Lady. Soil: 3gal buckets, Frutolome Pro-Mix Nutrients: Humboldt Organic Bloom, Grow, Deuce Deuce, and Humhoney. Water: R/O water Runoff PH: 6.2-6.8 A little back history, I...
  5. K

    My garden needs Rollitup style help!

    Thanks for the info, I will definately follow your advice. Once again Rollitup to the rescue!! Will update on my harvest if this day ever comes... seems like time goes backwards the closer you get to harvest. :roll:
  6. K

    My garden needs Rollitup style help!

    Thanks for the info, I am glad to see it's not underferting. As per what the bottle says, it's kinda vague. It just says to add 5-10 ml/gal. it really doesn't go into how often to nute. On the Humboldt website though is where I found the feeding schedules. Every other grower I know in my...
  7. K

    My garden needs Rollitup style help!

    Good morning everyone, First of all let me say thank you in advance for any help, because my garden needs it... :neutral: My Setup: Plants: 3-Blue Moonshine, 3-Chocolope (D-line), 1-Super Skunk, 1-Purple Lady. (All seeds ordered from Attitude) The other plants that you see in the pics are...
  8. K

    Is this normal after topping? (pics)

    Thanks for the replies, I checked the runoff PH last night and it was at 6.2. I use RO water on all my plants, and really PH has never been a problem, even with the crappy bagseed I have budding at the moment. As far as over/underwatering, I usually try to do it by the weight of the bucket...
  9. K

    Is this normal after topping? (pics)

    Hello everone, and thanks in advance for any help. Just topped my plants 6 days ago, and after a few days 2 of my plants leaves started to curl under a bit. This is my first -Real- grow with good genetics, so I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong. 1 of the plants is Blue...
  10. K

    My 1st Garden

    Hello everyone, Figured what the hell, if I'm gonna start a garden, I might as well start a journal too. Decided to start this journal a little late, so the plants in the pics are already Germinated and in their final pots. I started my seedling in MG seed starter mix (which worked...
  11. K

    1st Grow, need some advice! (pics)

    Ya I was planning on moving the Flourescents into my flowering room as soon as the ladies are ready. Was just hoping for a little extra light. But what you say definately makes sense. I just had so many plants packed into that room I wasn't sure that my 400w metal halide would do the trick...
  12. K

    1st Grow, need some advice! (pics)

    Ya I figured Nute burn, Think I just need to lower the amount of water I am giving. Seems like my soil is releasing the nutes wrong due to this. Thanks for the info otherwise^^
  13. K

    1st Grow, need some advice! (pics)

    Hello everyone, Wanted to post my setup and see what you all think. I also am having some trouble with some browning of the lower leaves on a few plants, hopefully these pics will help (not the best camera sorry). Basics: Room size: 4'0" X 5'0" Lights: 400W Metal Halide, 2- 4'0" Flourescents...
  14. K

    Small white spots

    Yes I can wipe it off easily actually, it just seems like the death of the few leaves that did happen to die, happened very fast. So I was kinda concerned.
  15. K

    Spraying Canopy with Hard water?

    Started to develope some small powdery looking white spots on the fan leaves (3 week old plants). I can wet my finger and wipe them off pretty easily, but some of the leaves are browning and dying. As far as I can tell it isn't powdery mold or Insects. Could spraying my canopy with hard water...
  16. K

    Small white spots

    Hopefully someone can help me out... Got 7 plants that are about 3 weeks old, just in the last week they have started to develope these small powdery looking white spots. At first I instantly thought of Powdery Mold, but since I have noticed the spots it doesn't seem like it is spreading at...