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  1. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Yeh I smoked it already, so I'll never know if it woulda worked, tasted pretty bad and quite harsh, not too bad considering, got quite stoned anyway so I was happy, I definately know this buds gonna be sweet when its done though
  2. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Yo Sheepdog I think your getting the wrong impression, its only this plant thats been battered, the others are sweet as a nut I do know what Im doin, I just accidently poured way too much ferted water on this plant, I definately never overwater or overdo the nutes , I reckon this plant will be...
  3. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Dont have one and Im not gonna make the lightbulb thing, I reckon water curing is a good call, shame could been a real nice bud in a coupe weeks, I dont get these people who prefer to water cure in normal circumstances though to reduce the flavour, to me the taste is just as good as the high.
  4. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    lol, well its come from a plant that lost 90% of its leaves due to nute burn, so I guess not...
  5. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Is there any way to get it to taste like actual bud? Is it possible to cure 5 week old bud so its tastes OK? Or will it always taste like shit coz its immature? I mean if I dry it and cure it for a bit in a glass jar will it taste like it smells, coz it smells nice....
  6. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    yeh at least I wont be gagging for a smoke I aint smoked for 2 weeks and Ive been dying to take a sample asap, got any ideas on how to dry it, the buds dont actually look that bad, probably picked up worse before lol
  7. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    lol, probably wont work but fuck it got nothing to lose right? Fucking hell just yesterday this plant was fucking beautiful thought I was home and dry, now its fucking bald and has no main cola.....
  8. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    No it is completely snapped off (as in at one point the cola was in my hand a couple of feet away from the plant lol), but I have reattached it with tape. The stems are touching though and I cut the stems clean on both ends so they fit together. If this dont turn hermie then I dont know what...
  9. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Really? Bollox, it is attached real firm and the stems are touching will it definately not reattach?
  10. N

    Complete snap main cola, what to do

    Ok I have a plant that today has been through the wars, I woke up and as detailed in another thread it was comletely nute burned so I removed 90% of its leaves, anyway...ILsted the main cola and accidently snapped it, clean off. Now I have a couple of options, 1. I have currently cut both...
  11. N

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    No the leaves definately wernt goin to grow, for anyone reading this with this problem if you burn new growth it wont gtrow back, I topped it and new bud sites appeared, so I lost my main cola but got more smaller ones
  12. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    If theres anything to left to manicure at the end of this I will be happy lol
  13. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    no lol, if they looked like that I would be a happy man, mines much worse, its not like the tips are brown, they are just shrivelled and curled up, I would say 90-95% of the leaves are dead/dying
  14. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    Yeh doesnt really help, I know its coz I overdid the nutes, and I have flushed but its fucked already, literally killed off my leaves overnight, hopefully the new growth will be enough to see the buds trhough
  15. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    No it looks fucking bad, in fact Im looking at it now and I cant really see how it could be any worse, apart from the bud sites being fucked too, cant post a pic have no camera, just imagine your plant with only pistlls and no leaves and you get the picture, Im leaving the leaves on tho coz they...
  16. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    It is all over the plant, it is pretty much as severe as I could imagine it to be...all that looks Ok is the small leaves around the bud sites and the very newest growth at the bottom
  17. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    I have flushed the fuck out of it, but I think the damage has been done already, the only leaves that look ok are the ones around the bud sites (the small ones), and the very new growth at the bottom, every thing else is practically fucked, (dont need this shit got four fucking essays due in...
  18. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    Ok fuuuuuuck!!!!!! The problem is severe (!!!!!!!!) nute burn, almost every leaf on the plant is dead/dying and shrivelled, going to flush now and pray that it revives...fuck!!!!!!!!!
  19. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    The leaves aren't so much yellow, they look more nute/heat burned and they are drooping quite a bit, I'm pretty sure its a combination of slight overwatering and too much nutes, (I slightly overdid the watering on this particular plant) I figure I'll just flush it tomorrow if they don't perk up...
  20. N

    Fan leaves dying 4th week flowering

    The top fan leaves on one of my plants main colas are all shivelling up and dying/drooping, the smaller bud leaves are all fine and the lower leaves on the plant are fine, it may be nute burn or heat, I'm not too bothered about the cause what I want to know is will the bud production on this...