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  1. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    Yeah I'm not sure what kind of bulb I'm running right now but I've had it for about 10 months. I'm gonna get a new one for the next round. I know I'm overdue. Probably get a Hortilux Super HPS.
  2. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    The girls had their first 12/12 light session yesterday. A couple of them are only about 4" but the other five are 6"-8", so I guess the switch wasn't incredibly premature. Also, I decided to put them all into dirt. Pain in the damn ass putting all those plants into soil and getting the setup...
  3. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    yep. gonna get them into soil tonight after the light turns back on. kinda pissed about this. guess it's nice i don't have to maintain the hydro setup anymore though.
  4. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    man i don't know what's going on with the dwc setup. Tomorrow I have to flip the lights to 12/12 and they're only like 4 inches tall, as opposed to my soil plants which are like 8". I'm really thinking thank tomorrow before I flip i'm going to put all plants into soil. The roots are hardly...
  5. cheesin'

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    every clipping you just took was about the size of one of my single plants...
  6. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    i think i might pick some of these up this weekend. Not sure if I got enough bubbles going for me down under...
  7. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    i hope this isn't frowned upon, but I just saw this link on reddit. i like this guy's grow..
  8. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    so you're saying i shouldn't bother giving them a quick dose of Grow Big first to give them a boost of N before they flower? Isn't nitrogen beneficial for the beginning stages of flowering? I know its more for the veg phase but just curious if it helps a lot in bloom too.
  9. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    moved the light about 8" closer just now. its sitting about 12" from the tops of the plants. seems to be fine in there with the temps at 77-80. Would you guys recommend me giving the potted plants a dose of Grow Big before flipping them into 12/12 on Saturday? Then just start their flowering...
  10. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    Finally got my 600W magnetic ballast all hooked up and ready to grow last night. I put 8 more gallons of water in the res yesterday and estimated that I had only about 5 in there to begin with, so 13 gals total. I added Grow Big and Big Bloom for only 10 gallons at 1/4 the recommended...
  11. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    I'm not really familiar with Oxy Stones. I just looked them up, are they plastic? This just got me to thinking, they really invent something that can just be battery powered and chill underneath the water and product bubbles? Seems feasible.
  12. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    I have that exact same pump actually. For stones, I have two 4 inch disks and two 6 inch regular rectangular stones. I tried to put all 4 in the res. using T-splitters but then only the two rectangular ones work. Then I tried putting just the two round ones in and only one is spitting out...
  13. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    what's up budd? thanks for the input. I just checked out what you got going on with your grow there. looking really good! unfortunately I'm not going to be able to veg my plants nearly as long as you did. Did I see 40 days? that's pretty damn long, wish i could do that. yeah, sadly these will...
  14. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    Here are the three in pots. I really wish I had gotten more of the Black Domina. Seems to be growing that fastest and healthiest of the bunch. It stands about 6". Its the one on the right. the bottom left is hawaiian and the top one is the white rhino x grapefruit. Some more pictures of the...
  15. cheesin'

    TO CHOP OR NOT TO CHOP +REP for stopin by

    yeah let her go for at least a few more days. lookin really good though man nicely done.
  16. cheesin'

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Hey there, thanks for doing what you do. I was wondering if you have ever heard of the older digital ballasts and how they give off tons of RFI waves? Apparently mine created enough noise in my cable line to trip my breaker, causing my cable company to come to my house and investigate why it...
  17. cheesin'

    MY semi-DIY STEALTH Cabinet! Version 2.0!

    my grow cab was at about 85 F when i had the AC cooled 600 on my plants. The reflector was sitting about 2 inches from my poly for 4 days straight and i never saw any signs of burning/melting or smelt anything funny. You should be alright as long as your light isn't actually touching the film...
  18. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    Yeah I am but I don't know if I have the appropriate tools to make a ballast. Would I need a solder gun to be connecting wires and such? I'd almost rather pay more just to be sure that I'm not gonna burn down my house from faulty wiring or something.
  19. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    Just a quick update. I've been gettin dicked around by this dude who was supposed to sell me a magnetic ballast, so I have not yet put the 600 on them. Still rockin 5 CFLs. Despite the lack of light, they seem to all be doing good. All but the purple dojo have rooted around a foot and a half...
  20. cheesin'

    600W DWC Closet Grow

    ha, sadly, that is not my rabbit. i guess maybe not so sadly though, because i'd be pretty angry if my own rabbit was eating my plants!