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  1. G

    HPS lights from an areana

    So do u have pics??? and how much were you wondering??
  2. G

    Same, i just started some cali danks the other day, just over a couple inches tall now, and im...

    Same, i just started some cali danks the other day, just over a couple inches tall now, and im waitng on some snowy ass sativa as we speak. i think 2 or 3 more weeks to chop
  3. G

    Waddup man, whats good??

    Waddup man, whats good??
  4. G

    whats good man

    whats good man
  5. G

    What cha puffin?

    Chaos,,, I do support the locals, where you think all my money goes anyways, ima bud slayer!!! i smoke too much to just grow my own or id surly be caught so right now 1 of 5 strains as mothers for me is all i need, it helps lessen the dent on my wallet ya digg...
  6. G

    What cha puffin?

    haha, yeah... itd be nice wouldnt it
  7. G

    What cha puffin?

    yeah its easy as hell to get danks around here, specially since all my friends and i are connected to like the cities, cali, seattle, detroit, florida, among other lots of places hahaha.... connects are tight... plus i grow the strains i snag beans from
  8. G

    What cha puffin?

    yeah, i live in mn... and we can get pretty much any dank we want from widows, kushs, deisels, lights, not to metion the two kinds of hash i have right now
  9. G turn to ask the question <pics>

    nice plant man, but really save the effort... everyone on here, including me will tell you to wait till there are at least some amber trichs, but hey it all depends on what kind of high you like
  10. G

    My light fell of plant help asap

    itll be fine
  11. G

    can i 12/12 now????

    dude, where are the pics... or how tall is the plant even???
  12. G

    Do not post! Private journal!

    GODDDDD DAMNNN!!! i think its safe to say your a fuckin guru... those plants were damn beautiful, i may be gettin my hands on some green crack seeds for free, now i cant wait
  13. G

    Harvest Results / Subcools FLAVE

    sure does look damn tasty... mmm mmm good
  14. G

    is it poss to get a 100%healthy female from a hermie seed?

    from what ive heard it is quite possible to get a female, it just ends up being fairy common for other hermaphrodites too.
  15. G

    sensi seed vs nirvana, this sit works
  16. G

    Grow Bet- Smallest Plant Possible in 8" Tall Box

    UGZKMK sound right in the money... i was about to reply pretty much the same thing, i think hes just hidin it too...
  17. G

    Bump If You're Baked!

    aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah those late night tokes... GREAT!!!!!
  18. G

    Female or not (pics)

    HAHAHAHA, you need to be patient, u wont know for a while yet...
  19. G

    can i grow out of this space? (pics - need help/advice)

    i dunno man, that looks pretty much way too small... And also for pretty much any strain at that, sorry to bust yur dreams but i dont think itll work... plants bush outwards so itd have to be wider, and also being super stealthy with it, what are u plannin on for the smell???