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  1. Mr_Dro

    Wood Chips?

    I was out earlyer in my backyard and there is a big pile of wood chips and I noticed lil plants sprouting out. Would tree grow in a flower pot of wood chips? Mr. Dro
  2. Mr_Dro

    3nd Time Tring...

    Ok, I planted another seed. Lets hope a shrew doesn't eat it again. Thats krazee, I never knew they liked plants that much. Wish me luck. Mr. Dro
  3. Mr_Dro


    I'm toking and watching The Werewolf in Fever Swamp. Kickass movie. Mr. Dro
  4. Mr_Dro

    N00b Help With Grow Box...

    Hi all. I was wondering if my grow box is ok. It's a old AirWalk flipflop box that I cut a hole in the top for the light so it kind of seals the light and it's white inside and I heard that white is better. Jus let me know whut you think. I can get pics if you want and I'm planning on adding a...
  5. Mr_Dro

    First Time...

    Hello all. This is my first time. I can't wait until harvest. I'm not going to sell any becasue I'm selffish like that :) Here's whut I got so far... Mr. Dro
  6. Mr_Dro

    An Idea...

    Maybe a forum where you can post the music you're listening to while your under the influence. Mr. Dro
  7. Mr_Dro

    Need Help...

    Would a 100w house light (a bulb) work until I transplant them outside?? Mr. Dro
  8. Mr_Dro

    Going To Try...

    Hi, I jus joined here today and I got a handful of seeds germin' so hopefully they sprout by Tuesday. I'll take any tips. I'm going to transplant them outside until I get enough money to built a growing box and get a light. I'll get pics when/if they sprout. Mr. Dro