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  1. The Metal Veg

    Reflective material

    ohhh snnnaappp... lmao
  2. The Metal Veg

    The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.

    i would at least hide behind a few locked doors and try to smoke as much of my stash as i can, if im going down, im gonna be fucking retarded first
  3. The Metal Veg

    the best 59 seconds of your life.

    hah ya that song would make it pretty funny
  4. The Metal Veg

    Some quick advice

    if heat is a problem then mayb u should go with some cfl lights instead of the hps lighting, the hps seem to run hotter than cfl in everything that i have read
  5. The Metal Veg

    seedling questions with pics.

    ya but the potency of the product mainly comes from genetics mate, at 20$ an eight u prolly wont have to potenet of plants comming up, u buy mersh u get mersh uk, neways they dont look terribly unhealthy, how old are these?
  6. The Metal Veg

    Summertime heat control ideas

    earlier todday i read a thread about an air cool, just buy a cooler, put some ice pack in it and change them out on a regular basis, then put a few vents that will run the air through the cooler, if you put this set up next to ur grow then it might help keep the temp down, keep an eye on the...
  7. The Metal Veg

    help with lights and cords

    i asked someone this question earlier but im high as hell and cant for life of me figure out where i asked it, how do u splice in 3 lights to run off from one extention cord? does this help with lighting bill and is it safe to do or will i blow my bulbs?
  8. The Metal Veg


    hah no i dont know how big thosee bulbs are, im horrible with noting the differences with bulbs, but if u want a site where u can buy more than justt the lowryder #2 seeds then try they have everything from lowryder 2 x...
  9. The Metal Veg

    Sufficient light?

    would 4 cfl bulbs be sufficent for a 3' by 3' by 3' grow box growing about 5 lowryder plants, any sugestions? should i use 6?
  10. The Metal Veg


    hah nice, i want to get some of the lowryder x ak47 personally for my new grow box which dementions should be about a 3' cube lol, ill be growing em under cfl lightiing with computer fan vents, prolly try the 20 on 4 off light schedual to see if it yeilds more
  11. The Metal Veg

    ? on lowrider

    most of the lowryder mixed plants, like lowryder x ak47, i have found online seem to be femilized, but u can get non femilized seeds of the lowryder and i think the lowryder 2 strands, then yes u could just set up one mother, cloning is a no go with lowryder tho btw, the life span is to short
  12. The Metal Veg


    the web page i think you are thinking about would be its an awesome guide, tells u everything u need to know about growing lowryder, also in my favorites :-P
  13. The Metal Veg


    even though i heard that the record for a lowryder plant was somehting crazzy like 95g,i would love to see that plant lol
  14. The Metal Veg


    i hear that the lighting scheuals for lowryder can be set to either 20 on 4 off or 18 on 8 off for its whole life cycle since its an autoflowering plant, the yeild is between 30-50g per plant from what i have read
  15. The Metal Veg

    New to this how does it look?

    whats ur setup look like, i mean like what do u have running for lights and what not
  16. The Metal Veg

    Seedling/Clone Tub

    hey dude can u give me tips on the splicing 3 lights into 2 extention cords, any help would be appriciated, btw pretty nice grow box u have going here
  17. The Metal Veg

    Wiring PC fan: Please Help

    btw to what i can tell u can just cut off the wires that are not red or black and it will make no difference
  18. The Metal Veg

    Wiring PC fan: Please Help

    if you have a 12vDC fan u should have an adapter thats output is 12vDC, then you just use the black and the red wires with the wired you get from the plug, this should work, if not then u have a misfunct fan or outlet addapter, i made 4 of these fans the other day with no problems
  19. The Metal Veg


    ya man, closet grow boxes and hydro work best, easy to hide since they are so short
  20. The Metal Veg


    Thank all of u who helped with my spidermite problem over the last ffew days, my one plant that was hit the worst died but other than that the others dont seem to be infested