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  1. Hoochy

    The Coming Of Cheesus

    Yummy! ah nothing like fresh vap
  2. Hoochy

    lol no worries man, I've been a bit busy myself but such is life! I don't even remember the...

    lol no worries man, I've been a bit busy myself but such is life! I don't even remember the question either man so don't stress haha
  3. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    hmm I see I see!
  4. Hoochy

    Greetings from Beirut!

    Welcome aboard mate :)
  5. Hoochy

    when should i plant outdoors in england

    growing outdoors in the UK would be interestingly cold :p
  6. Hoochy

    Anyone have any idea what this is growing in my brain ?

    no dude, but clean it off as it will build up and block water flow etc
  7. Hoochy

    Anyone have any idea what this is growing in my brain ?

    Sounds like light getting in. It's normal for this algae to build up if light is presented
  8. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    865 spectrum is 6500k
  9. Hoochy

    Where are the trichomes?

    Understand that no one strain is the same and will grow differently. This will also affect bud production and it isn't the slightest fair to compare 2 different strains the way you appear to be. They look very healthy and I wouldn't stress too much. You can try using different ferts such as...
  10. Hoochy

    Electrical Issue!!

    lol let me assure you that your 1000w bulb isn't doing fuck all. What you seem to be getting is a burnt or poor neutral in the electrical grid of your area. Has nothing to do with you and once repaired you should be back on your way
  11. Hoochy

    Bud hair question

    LOLOLOLOLOL ahh this shit makes me laugh
  12. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    You only worked out 6months ago it's the backy lol..... come on man has history not taught you anything? Have you not done immense research on mrs MJ? MJ is not addictive, although if I lack MJ it dos shit me but I just make up for it with my BJJ training :p
  13. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    Alright due to some persisting requests asking me for photo's I'll post some basic photo's. Bare in mind my room isn't finished and I plan on enclosing this part of the shed for the plants once it cools down. Like every other Australian though, I bust my guts to make a living and thus my time...
  14. Hoochy

    Need Help! What Is This Plant?

    If you post pics then please we will help, but undertsand that basil flower stems are purple and so are the flowers :)
  15. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    LOL yeah alright I'll post some up of my grow room as it stands for now. Once it cools down I'll post some up for my grow. Let me upload a couple and I'll post back with pics...... just for you tricka hahaha
  16. Hoochy

    Heat Stress or Nute ??

    Give us some more information regarding your lighting situation and watering methods. As your leaves are yellow it's a good indicator that either a lack of light, lack of water or a combination of both. Excessive nutes will normally burn the tips of the leaves. It may also have a nitrogen...
  17. Hoochy

    Not sure what's wrong with this plant

    Difficult to tell without close up pics, but hopefully this link provides you with a better understanding of leaf curl.
  18. Hoochy

    First DWC build

    Cheers man. I have some seedlings in there, but they are struggling with the ambient temperature of the shed. It doesn't bother me though as they are responding well to the PH and nutes, but as it's bag seed it's merely a test. A couple of months to go before temps drop and I'll be able to...
  19. Hoochy

    Ready To Harvest?

    god no.... Still has a few more weeks left before it's worth chopping
  20. Hoochy

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I don't have a problem with mine. I can pack it as much as I want as there is a screen there. Suction has never been an issue. You need to have a vap before you can fully understand it as it's a far more intense high than out of a bong or joint. No not all vaps have bags. Only the Volcano...