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    Speaking of which, have you ever considered adding a camphor tree to your indoor collection? They're pretty resilient and don't need a ton of light. I stumbled upon this guide on growing and caring for them, and it's been super helpful: It's always fun to...
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    I totally get what you mean about struggling with light for indoor plants. It's a real challenge sometimes. Grow lights can definitely be a game-changer, right? I've had my fair share of trial and error too.
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    Whole Garden Destroyed | Septoria Outbreak?

    Dealing with a septoria outbreak can be frustrating, especially after all your efforts. Contaminated soil could definitely be the culprit, especially if it wasn't properly sanitized. Have you considered trying a different soil source for your next attempt? It might help break the cycle. Also...
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    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Currently, I'm diving into autobiographies, and your list is giving me some serious inspiration, especially with Duff McKagen's book on the horizon – can't wait for that badass read! Quick shoutout to my guilty pleasure – I recently discovered colleen hoover books in order, and oh boy, they're...