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  1. tdiddy

    Quick Question

    You can spray if you want, just do it when the lights go off.
  2. tdiddy

    Problem!!! =(

    That "sugar" isnt ready. Hide it if at all possible. They usually check heating/cooling unit, water heater, smoke alarms, stove. Normally wont check anything else unless a problem is reported and will only check water heater and stove if theyre gas.
  3. tdiddy

    root growth direction

    Tap roots go down, others branch. Probably doesnt matter, they will grow around any container they are in if they hit a barrier.
  4. tdiddy

    HELP...first grow...grower STILL thinks these are hermies....can someone look...

    Id say youre overall good. Maybe slight hermie but not enough to do much damage. And def a couple more weeks at least
  5. tdiddy

    light leaks are relative -- maybe even bs

    Agreed. I'll argue based on science and experience that minor light leaks make LITTLE difference. I think ppl just like to blame it on that when they dont have an answer. Kind of like when uneducated ppl give god credit for a miracle rather that the doctor who spent half his life studying the...
  6. tdiddy

    CFL during Veg. HPS during Flowering

    Yeah, it will not hurt anything to use both the whole time, but you may be losing if you only use one or the other. Go both and youll be good
  7. tdiddy

    How accurate are hair tests? May need to pass one

    ha, my hair is only about 2 inches. I was hoping to get some input from someone that has smoked a little and passed, but I'm guessing there aren't many of those out there.
  8. tdiddy

    How accurate are hair tests? May need to pass one

    Damn. I knew they were good, just didnt know how much it took to pick it up.
  9. tdiddy

    How accurate are hair tests? May need to pass one

    How much do they actually pick up? I may need to take one for a new job. I havent smoked for several months until recently. I had maybe 10 small drags off a pipe over a 2 week period. That was a couple weeks ago and it was home grown so not sure about the thc content. Basically, do I have a very...
  10. tdiddy

    Growing with roommates.. smell question for growers

    More than likely they will find out
  11. tdiddy

    Best time to check trichomes..lights on or off?

    Checking before the lights come on wont hurt your plant one bit.
  12. tdiddy


    I'm gonna call false on this one. While being taller may help, nature doesnt usually leave pollen transfer up to gravity. There is A LOT of pollen in each male banana and very little breeze is needed to make it airborne. It also goes against other plans that nature has. As far as nature and...
  13. tdiddy

    soiltabs worth it?

    I personally have better luck soaking them in water in a warm place for about 24 hours.
  14. tdiddy

    Are these Male Parts????????

    its a herm
  15. tdiddy

    did my girl go hermi on me??

    yup. I had 8 of 10 fem seeds turn out to be male...
  16. tdiddy

    The Ganja....

    Totally depends on your metabolism and lifestyle. The younger, more active, and the more water you drink, the less time it will take.
  17. tdiddy

    would squeezing the stem toward the nug force good shit into the nug in any way?

    people on this site seriously need to learn a little bit about basic plant biology.
  18. tdiddy

    Getting Busted Question

    9 out of 10 times a cop will ask you to let them search first even if they have probable cause. Its one less thing they have to prove if you say yes.
  19. tdiddy


    It can increase yields by feeding microorganisms associated with roots and soil and that's about it. The plant even produces its own carbs, which are promptly delivered to the roots for use by these microorganisms. The plant will not just directly suck up everything its roots are in, that's not...
  20. tdiddy

    They female? ....Or are they male? +rep for help

    too early but that first pic might lean toward female...