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  1. Robertx

    How can I speed up finishing plants

    You can turn you light cycle to 10 hours LIGHT and 14 hours DARKNESS. Or even more drastic, like 8 hours LIGHT/ 16 DARK. Dont go lower than 8/16. This works, I write this by personal experience. Also make sure you water properly.... let you soil become dry before you water again, and when you...
  2. Robertx

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Sorry, just read the title above, La Diva = blueberry x diavolo! Cheers!
  3. Robertx

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Beautiful plants. Never heard of La Diva. Looks a nice auto strain. What are its parents/genetics? On a side note, I'm growing 2 DRs females right now, they are not as stinky as other peoples DRs. In fact you can barely smell mine, one of them is on its 4th flowering week. But again my plants...
  4. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Lol! Surprise seeds rule! And I did rep you Ludacris.
  5. Robertx

    My First Outdoor Grow. Day 51 Flowering Pics

    Yotop, lovely lady you have there. You have at least 2 weeks from the pictures in the first page. Believe me, your plant is entering that phase where it will grow fatter each day, the final phase is the most important. You can harvest only a nug if you will, just for the sake of having good...
  6. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    I reviewed my plant as soon as I arrived home. I'm pretty positive it is not hermie, since 70% of those big pods have a pair of hairs... the other 30% had hairs in them also, but the hairs died. I'm pretty sure it is a seeded fem. My only doubt here is: why it got seeds? My only male is 2...
  7. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    To be honest with you I'm pretty disapointed with yeld: I got 5 grams from each of my previous autos (Poison Dwarf). From the DRs I expect the same, since they are about the same sized. I'm doing something wrong tho, because my plants dont grow very large. Maybe its the temps, too hot here...
  8. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Maybe I'll put the probable hermie outside for a couple of weeks instead of killing it. In the worst scenario I'll have seeded medium-quality bud to smoke!
  9. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Thanks, scotish mate. Will kill the hermie, unfortunately. Cheers!
  10. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Any ideas? Well, I hope those are seeds being formed. The strange thing is that a male was near her for only 4 days after showing balls. Is this enough time for him to seed a female? It didnt have open sacks, only closed ones.
  11. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Yeah, I have a male of the same strain and it isnt like this.. they are like grapes! I just wanted to be sure it isn male organs, so I can keep this plant with its sisters.. ;-)
  12. Robertx

    WTF? please, help, any ideas?

    Hi fellas. We have this little plant. It is in its 10th day flowering. It is a Diesel Ryder. It stoped to produce pistils 4 or 5 days ago. Her pistils are kind of dying. And it have strange big calyxes that I'm not sure if are male organs (hermie) or seeded calyxes. Is it a...
  13. Robertx

    Best Stoner Movie

    I just dowloaded a jamaican reggae movie called Rockers, very funny shity. The 1st scene is a crazy Chalice smoking session. When I want serious movies to smoke with I go for Documentaries and stuff like David Lynch ;-)
  14. Robertx

    Automatic White Russian Harvest Pics

    Nice, congrats for your 1st harvest, White Russian looks a cool strain!
  15. Robertx

    30 days flowering (pics)

    Sativa dominant for sure. It is nice to see another budget CFL grow... +rep!
  16. Robertx

    Resin coated Tobbacco

    Just feel like sharing you you guys a tip i've been using for years. An I'm sure many, many of you know this: When rolling a spliff with tobbacco, put only pure tobbacco towards the mouth end of the spliff. As the weed burns, it baths the tobbacco in the roach with resin. Than store some of...
  17. Robertx

    First time grow - Pakistan Ryder Autoflowering, CFL!!

    Forgot to mention, I'm also hoping to do a seed run. I'm hoping to get ate least 1 male from the 2 unsexed plants!
  18. Robertx

    First time grow - Pakistan Ryder Autoflowering, CFL!!

    Greenearth, this grow is done. The 2 Pakistan Ryders that survived turned out to be males after forced flowering. Atx, thanks man, I'm growing Diesel Ryders also right now!!! I have 2 females and 2 unsexed, the oldest female is in its 3rd week flowering. Now I'm curious about your setup, how...
  19. Robertx

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    I'm going with the original Joint Doctors strains now all the way. Currently growing Diesel Ryders, so for so good... nice healthy stable genetics, true autos and I'm starting to pray for a male to make seeds - so far all the Diesel Ryders I planted are females and I have only 2 to show sex...
  20. Robertx

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Look in my signature for a disastrous first grow atempt with WOW Pakistan Auto