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  1. ironLUNG310

    Clones looking very sad and droopy

    Thanks Fellas, I basically fallowed your procedure to the tee,(CANAFAN) Per previously seen on a video about cloning, I just have not used a heating pad, (or modem- GOOD IDEA) I have now put them in a Dome ( per Golddog). The stem seems to be a reddish purple color. Are these dead? How long...
  2. ironLUNG310

    Clones looking very sad and droopy

    No dome. In rockwool
  3. ironLUNG310

    Clones looking very sad and droopy

    So I cloned six branches off my skywalker lady. They looked very good the first couple of days. And now they are looking droopy and sad. Is this normal? They seem to be lifeless. I pulled one from the cube and it looks to be no roots sprout. Please help Can I save them any thing I can do.
  4. ironLUNG310

    Neem Oil

    Hello Thanks for the help.
  5. ironLUNG310

    Neem Oil

    What is a good way to cover that horid effen smell? And how often do I need to soak my pots?:-?
  6. ironLUNG310

    What is better for Veg HPS or T5s

    Much respect thank you for the knowledge. I take it all with a grain of salt I throw the now veg ging skywalker plant in with the braindammage plant I have flowering. And after 8 hrs she goes in the veg mother room with flouresents. She is loving alittle of both . plus rep for u too no drama
  7. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    I live on the edge , I also JUMP in the shower everymorning. lol. They don't call me mayheim mccomas for nothing
  8. ironLUNG310

    8 final newbie questions before i start a grow.

    Not only do I like your pic my friend, I like your style... lol
  9. ironLUNG310

    Are Nats very harmful to my girls

    I had nats on my last plants, I treated with a 70/40 water alcohol treatment and it seemed to get rid of them.(per recomendation of a fellow RIU er) But also seemed to kill the stank in my girls. I have a new batch in to flower and started to notice them again. Can I neem oil during this stage...
  10. ironLUNG310

    What is better for Veg HPS or T5s

    Dude you are the man, If you dont mind I wanna add you as a friend. You sure do know your shit. Much respect my friend plus rep+
  11. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    Did you mean can't burn it up fast enough? Just asking and did u mean that my question was idiotic? No curious. I did'nt say I would do it.Love my girls to much to treat them like that. MUCH LOVE
  12. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    You talking to me? I have other post, Many and just recently had to change some settiings in order to even get answers to many questions I had been asking
  13. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    I know how to roll joints brotha, I am talking about the title under your name. As you are also a stranger ( fyi) I been smoken since I was twelve, I can roll a blunt drive and shift gears at the same time. DOnt try this if you are not a professional like myself
  14. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    So how did it turn out?
  15. ironLUNG310

    Stickys Indoor 1000w Super Crop!!!!

    Lookin good man, I hope to be joining the 1k club soon. Money is tight so I have not made the jump. Loving the grow
  16. ironLUNG310

    think ive been set up

    I like bud and whippen ass. I only came here to do two things smoke kush and whip ass. And I am all out of KUSH lol. What a bastard
  17. ironLUNG310

    NEWB Questions

    What would happen if I planted 2 of the same clones in the same pot? Would they kills each other from overcrowding:mrgreen: I have attempted my first cloning and wanted to ask, may be a stupid one but please enlighten me RIU vets... oh also how do I become able to roll a joint and all that cool...
  18. ironLUNG310

    What is better for Veg HPS or T5s

    Thanks for the the info, I have noticed that the floresents make them larger with out stretching, plus I can get them closer than the hps lights. A big plus since this is a closet grow.
  19. ironLUNG310

    Have been getting panic attacks/ extremely paranoid thoughts from marijuana

    Maybe smoke again and try to meditate, if that doesnt work you may just have severe anxiety and might need to take harder drugs.
  20. ironLUNG310

    What is better for Veg HPS or T5s

    What is better light for veg? I am setting up two separate area's:hump:veg /flower room and was wondering if any EXPERIENCE growers can tell me there personal opinion. I have looked all over and have yet to find this one. Please Help:joint: