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  1. Gemini8555

    PC/Veg, MiniFridge/Flower Grow (1st Grow. Evar!)

    Hey guys, welcome to my first legit grow. I germinated the seeds last week for a few days and finally put the little ones in the ground Saturday (2009.09.12). Here are some pics from the first day. Picture of the Cradle: Here's a picture of the babies in the cradle: And here is a picture of...
  2. Gemini8555

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    You got a due date on the ladies?
  3. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    It all comes down to CFM and ambient temp. If your CFM is below 60 for either in/out, you are toast. I'd recommend two 90 CFM fans. Ambient temp must be 76F or lower or it'll be inhospitable for plants.
  4. Gemini8555

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Hehe... Security token...
  5. Gemini8555

    1st Grow - Client / Server model, perpetual, Top44 & Citral

    You were right, dude. I feel a lot more comfortable with the box I've built now! :) Almost done testing temps, I'll hopefully have an answer by late afternoon. WOO WOO.
  6. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Will I be ok to veg with only two 5500k? I'll be testing the 2700k for temps today and reporting back based on your assesement! :joint:G
  7. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Just a quick update. I took your advice, Shackleford, and added a 65CFM 4' radio shack fan to the top. It definitely dropped my temps down by about 15 degrees but they are still hovering right about 90F. And it's hovering around there with only two CFL's 5500K. I have around 8500 lumens per sq...
  8. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Just a quick update on a few things, ladies and gents. The good news: I have the seeds from my friend. WOOOOOO! A quick question on germination: what is the best way to induce it? I heard putting them in a shot glass of water, having them sink and then sticking them in rockwool gives a near...
  9. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    That's the idea thus far. I posted a new thread in hopes I get some thermodynamic stoner expert to guide me along. I love teh internetz! :joint:G
  10. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    I can't think of a feasible way to do it. The insulation is liquid nailed to the interior and exterior coating. I thought about dremeling as far in as I could but I don't think it'll drop it to a temperature conducive to growing.
  11. Gemini8555

    CFM/Ventilation Question

    Hey all! Got a biigggggg heat problem. I recently built a mini fridge grow case (4.4 cubic feet) and started running some tests on it before puttin' the babies in. Since the fridge is still insulated and there is no way to remove the insulation without completely gutting it (nooooooo), I need to...
  12. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Thanks for the follow-up, ER. I'm currently at mothers day to began germination. I currently ran into a snag with cooling. The fans that I'm currently using do not lower the temp below 100. Damn you, insulation! If only there were an appliance meant for lowering temperatures I could use...
  13. Gemini8555

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    Thanks Dopewear, you've gone and created a monster.
  14. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    All the pics I have of the project are already posted. Most of the construction was dremel and drill work. If you plan on making a fridge case, get a dremel otherwise you will end up hating life. PM me with pics of your fridge and I'd be glad to give you some insight on a best course of...
  15. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    I'll be starting out with 1 or 2 pending germination and then I'll see how climate control goes. I'm hoping to put a screen in for ScrOG when I hit setting 5 for lights. I put three in for vegging other plants in my garden so I can transplant faster. :) Right now the temps have been running...
  16. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    This is the final day before the big move into it's permanent secret Fortress of Solitude (read: bedroom closet). Let us start with the finished product of the work from Day 3. Day 3 saw the construction of the water reservoir and bolting of the surge protectors to the top and moveable...
  17. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    I've considered higher wattage but I live in an area that has bad energy spikes during the summer and I want to try to consume as little electricity as possible. If the 3 CFL's (5000 for veg, 3000 for flower) don't cut it, I may hafta move up for the next harvest. Thanks for the rep and I...
  18. Gemini8555

    1st Grow - Client / Server model, perpetual, Top44 & Citral

    Definitely enjoying your grow. Hit me up with your perpetual cycle method, I'm really interested in it! Scribe'd! :joint:G
  19. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Ya, I'll be mylaring the top tomorrow. Would duct taping by adequate for the box?
  20. Gemini8555

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    A quick update on the nursery. Day two was cutting fan holes and cleaning them out. After breathing more insulation than any man should, I drilled holes so air could come in and out of the case. The final product was an intake fan on the left wall and an exhaust fan on the...