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  1. B

    help me improve MY design.. Please

    Are you supplementing the first room (plant room) with CO2? If not, are you running a second fan to vent the grow room and replenish the CO2 supply for the plants? If you aren't supplementing or venting, then I would recommend using the fan cooling your lights to also vent the room and...
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    Seedbank opinions and that ship to USA

    I got 10 seeds, have grown 8 of them and got 4 females, but I don't suppose there's any guarantees. Their prices for feminized seeds seem equivalent to what others charge for 10 non-feminized seeds. I went with the feminized PPP this time around, if that tells you anything ;) The AK-48 worked...
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    $1000 dollar grow set up. opinions plz

    A conversion bulb is a metal halide bulb that has been designed to be used with an HPS ballast. The one that I use is 5200k and works very well for vegging (see link I provided in first post). Most hydro shops have them. As Hairy Bob suggested, you can also use a full spectrum HPS bulb. I use...
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    $1000 dollar grow set up. opinions plz

    You can buy a metal halide to HPS conversion bulb for vegging. I use one of these:
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    Looks like a deficiency - Help!

    Agreed; but I would argue that even if the plant could withstand that high a ppm it would not come close to requiring that high a level when it was that small. At best, he's just wasting nutrients (and possibly allowing salts to build up); I don't believe it would hurt the plant one bit if he...
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    Looks like a deficiency - Help!

    You basically said it all're giving it all (and then some) of the nutes it needs. The only way you can have a phos deficiency is if you have lockout, which is usually caused by high ph (above 6.5 in a hydro system). Naaah, them leaves look fried, that's nute burn in my opinion...
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    Love Isn’t Love Without GOD; for God is Love, Right(?)

    This arguement fails on many levels. For instance, we have logic reversal:"if P then Q - if God is love" gets turned into "Q therefore P - love cannot exist without God". Might as well say "If space creatures were kidnapping people and examining them, the space creatures would erase the...
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    Could a Vet answer some fan/light questions

    Hey planks, I'm a Vet...I spent 20 years in the military and tons of time in the desert during the Gulf War, so I know all about heat issues. That box you're growin' in is about the same size as this pill box I sweated in back in the desert. What I wouldn't have given for a 160cfm fan...
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    Hey all, The following questions/answers are based on my own ScrOG experiences and research…not definitive by any means… First off, there are many variables to consider. You really need to know the characteristics of your particular strain to plan for a ScrOG, so it’s...
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    A couple Q's about DWC SCROG

    Hey uponone! I’m about 4 weeks into flowering on my first ScrOG and had to deal with the same issues you’re looking at. You seem to have a good grasp of the ScrOG. I would say let the screen get about 75% full and then go to 12/12; this will allow you to continue filling up the screen during...
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    POP Quiz! What does this look like to you?

    Ouch! OK, to really understand what's going on here you need to use the GH nutrient calculator: According to your last post, you use approximately the following amount of base nutes: 3ml/gal of Grow 2ml/gal of Micro <1 ml gal...
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    my grow room is way too hot!!!

    Cool! You may want to put some H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) or Hygrozime in your res as well...and then do another res change. As the algae dies you're increasing the amount of organic waste floating around, which may cause an increase in bacteria (the bacteria eats the dead organic matter) which...
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    HELP midflower flush now babys are struggling

    Dude, I think you're only supposed to use Clearex for 30-60 minutes max (until PPM stops rising), not for a whole day. Prolly hosed the roots :sad:
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    POP Quiz! What does this look like to you?

    OK... Well, in my opinion you're doing something that you're plant doesn't like. Environment (temp, light, humidity) - seems to be good. Water - using RO water, no problem here. Doesn't look like over/under watering or a water temp problem to me. PH - maybe a little high, but should be OK if...
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    POP Quiz! What does this look like to you?

    Look's like Magnesium deficiency to me - leaves curling up ("praying" for Mg), yellowish leaves, interveinal chlorosis while the veins remain green...but I'm no expert! ;-)
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    my grow room is way too hot!!!

    OK, first off you need to know that I'm a relative newbie to growing MJ, so take this for what it's worth. So if I've got this straight, you bought a grow cabinet that's pretty much ready to use out of the box (once put together). I'm assuming that the 600-watt light came with the kit, so...
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    my grow room is way too hot!!!

    OK, some questions for you: 1. Where are you exhausting it the wardrobe? 2. How many CFMs is your exhaust it over 250CFM? 3. Where are you measuring the temp at? 4. Do you know what your water temp is? 5. Is that a CLEAR reservoir that you're using?
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    Dwc help

    Any idea what the water temperature in the buckets is? If I'm reading that temp gauge right it looks like it's 90* F around the buckets, so I'm guessing your water temp is around 80*. I'm no expert, but it looks like your plant is suffering from the inability to pick up o2 and nutes (similar...
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    I think im on to something

    So what if you start 2 seeds and put them in one DWC tub...will you always get 1 female and 1 male? I'm into flowering on my first grow, started with 2 DWC tubs with two plants from seed in each, and ended up with 1 male and 1 female in each tub. Will this ALWAYS happen? If so, I may have to...
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    What shold I do?

    MJ's a tough weed, I think they have a good chance of surviving. They will prolly go into shock and lose some leaves for sure...I'd make sure they got some Superthrive or other vitamin/root stimulator... Good luck!!!