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  1. thesneakytiki

    Why does my plant have 3 leaves?

    that just happens sometimes, i had one but it turned out male =( i was looking forward to topping it and seeing how many tops it produced too.. hehe
  2. thesneakytiki

    Weed Milk

    whole milk would be better because fat is the key not sure on the concentration, but as with anything i'm sure there's a point of diminishing return
  3. thesneakytiki

    What gender is this ?????

    no that is very much female, you're seeing calyxes, not balls
  4. thesneakytiki

    Harvest in 2 weeks -- Drying and Hermaphrodite Questions

    it takes about a week to dry the buds, so it sounds like you'll be right on time, when you get back they'll be ready to toss into mason jars and cure, no need for the freezer but what are you doing fimming so late in flower? you should fim during veg well before you even kick it in to flower...
  5. thesneakytiki

    would this light be good to use?

    yeah that one will do the trick, but you'll still need the ballast and socket, which homedepot doesn't sell (at least my local home depot doesn't)
  6. thesneakytiki

    Stupid ME:( Adivce real fast please?

    epsom salt is probably your cheapest option, it's only $2 or so for a huge bag of the stuff, and it can be used along with rubbing alcohol for cleaning out your bong =)
  7. thesneakytiki

    Found 8 bagseeds kush haze etc

    you've got a 50/50 chance of it being male or female as far as showing sex, i've seen preflowers around 4 or 5 weeks of veg
  8. thesneakytiki

    small spaces (premature flowering?)

    you can flower your plant whenever you like, but remember it's going to double (or maybe triple) in size from the time you set it to flower seedling to harvest in 2 weeks is definitely way off, it's 2 months for flowering alone, plus however long you veg it for
  9. thesneakytiki

    Boiling water removed resin from glass?

    use rubbing alcohol and coarse salt and just shake 'em up.. you can let them just soak in the alcohol as well
  10. thesneakytiki

    How many of you think these teeth whitining ads are photoshopped?

    man the worst part is, white or not, those are some jacked up teeth!
  11. thesneakytiki

    What to do with male plants???

    sorry to inform you but males don't produce any seeds at all
  12. thesneakytiki

    Does Staples Drug Test?

    i'm not sure if they do or not, but most corporate retail chains tend to for insurance purposes, so i would walk into it expecting to be tested
  13. thesneakytiki

    why its falling like this

    does this remind anyone else of borat? i grow marijuana.... NOT
  14. thesneakytiki

    CFL With LED Nightlight All In One Bulb!!!!

    there are so few LEDs on there it won't make a difference, and especially not for $10 a bulb
  15. thesneakytiki

    Possible fruit flies?!

    a layer of sand on top of the soil will not allow the larvae to escape, along with a hotshots no pest strip to kill off anything currently flying around
  16. thesneakytiki

    any problem with using silica gel packs in cure jars?

    did you dry before you put them in jars? they aren't intended to dry IN the jars.. the jarring is to evenly distribute the moisture throughout the bud
  17. thesneakytiki

    1 week old 4 inches?

    if they're 4 inches tall and only have 2 serrated leaves they sound stretched to me.. what kind of simple grow light are you using?
  18. thesneakytiki

    100 watt 1400 lumens

    no, you'll need about 3 or 4 bulbs per plant
  19. thesneakytiki

    My plants started flowering.

    they're just pre-flowers, you'll continue to veg.. the clones you brought home were taken from a mature plant
  20. thesneakytiki

    Dry Buds

    people use orange peels as well.. you just need something that the bud can absorb the moisture from