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  1. SlayerHawk

    CO2 Overdose?

    i did the same thing a few years back with a paintball co2..i thought i made a good device to slowly leak it ,but didnt work and they looked bad a few hours later..those little co2's can fill a few bike tires .so a 8 cubic foot grow room would definatly fill up fast..
  2. SlayerHawk

    discolored leaves and small "burn"? marks on them

    i have "the Doctor" from greenhouse that has look just like that sence birth..5 weeks into flower looks the same..i thought it may have been just the genetics of it..
  3. SlayerHawk

    Is this a PH problem? wk4bloom

    i found elsewhere ppl are saying to mix a little dyna-gro veg with the bloom to get the leaves green again..ill try that tomoro if raisen the ph didnt help..they are about to sleep now..
  4. SlayerHawk

    Is this a PH problem? wk4bloom

    ya hydro(DWC)not a circulating kind..always followed instructions with the dyno grow..nowhere does it say double the amount ..and i heard molasses is good..for taste bloom size.ect..can u get cal mag at a local store? walmart lowes ect
  5. SlayerHawk

    Is this a PH problem? wk4bloom

    this looks like a number of things so im asking for help..2 different plants 4 weeks into flowering ..over the last 30 or so hours had some leaves changing i premix my nutes in gal jugs....(2 5 gallon tubs in hydro)..always the same dose everytime so no goofs with that..(1 tsp dyno gro bloom...
  6. SlayerHawk

    NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??

    mg organic blend...i drilled more hole for draining..i use tap water that i let sit for days b4 6.5 ph..i pre mix it in a gal jug..
  7. SlayerHawk

    NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??

    Also..i do have dyno gro and General hydro nutes if i need to add a lil of macro or whatever to them..if they would help..
  8. SlayerHawk

    New Grower that needs some guidance. Purple stems,bugs,yellowing and burnt tips.

    i got same problem..but urs look great compaired to mine..mine went to crap in a few days after sure the purple is the plant gettn cold..mine went from a nice warm closet to a 70 degree basement and they turned color.. but im lookin for the same answers with the other...
  9. SlayerHawk

    NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??

    i think the bag is 11-5-5...with slower release nitro..i think..3 of the 4 look to be greening up..but one is last night i flooded with phed h20..still looks the same...heres a picif i need cal mag..where do i get that besides ect??
  10. SlayerHawk

    NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??

    well.i did...and now one of them is really bad..whole thing turned yellow over nite...
  11. SlayerHawk

    NEW to i over watering..not enough Nutes??

    i took these clones but didnt have enough room to hydro with my i went to lowes and got some organic mircle grow that has just a little bit more nitrogen than my dyno grow i use for hydro..also a bag of perlite.. after they rooted (2 weeks) in pellets, i put in solo cups with...
  12. SlayerHawk

    need advice asap..FLowering cycle..ONE bank of lites didnt go off!!

    bought a new timer..set them for 5 pm to 5 am..guna let them have and extra hour of darkness..then turn back on ..just an hour behind normal.. like i said ..only 10% of the lumens were left on..BUT i stress easily.. thx for help
  13. SlayerHawk

    need advice asap..FLowering cycle..ONE bank of lites didnt go off!!

    2 weeks..all showen sex im hopen that having most of the lite going out helped some.. i had 3 great lookn plants..but one showed hermi signs .so i gave it to a friend.just hope these dont turn too..ugh!..heh.. so even tho it only been 2 hours of Total darkness..go ahead and let them turn on at...
  14. SlayerHawk

    need advice asap..FLowering cycle..ONE bank of lites didnt go off!!

    2 weeks..all showen sex im hopen that having most of the lite going out helped some.. i had 3 great lookn plants..but one showed hermi signs .so i gave it to a friend.just hope these dont turn too..ugh!..heh.. so even tho it only been 2 hours of Total darkness..go ahead and let them turn on at...
  15. SlayerHawk

    need advice asap..FLowering cycle..ONE bank of lites didnt go off!!

    i have 1 400watt hps/2 100 watt hps/2 300watt-eg cfls/ and 2 150watt eg cfls with 2 25 watters below plants.. just saw 3 lites(150watt cfl and 2 25 watt clfs)didnt go out last night(bad timer)..will this fuk my girls up?.these were extra lites i had so i put them in.but timer went bad.. lite...
  16. SlayerHawk

    when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix

    thx BSteve..these girls are even bigger now than the pix(over an inch in 10 hours)..i looked all around these girls and there are plenty stems with LOTS of nodes..all the top fan leaves have 9 leaves all over i figured they may be ready to steal some clones ,but i will wait a few more...
  17. SlayerHawk

    when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix love to have them veg for another month if possible..but..i figured if i could get a few clones i could keep them for mothers down the road..and hurry up and flower these girls..ya..i got fem seeds:lol:....i just never cloned before..hope they live. .i watched the greenhouse vids of...
  18. SlayerHawk

    when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix

    well .Obviously ,the last pix are the ones to judge.others are just showin the 5 week growth.. .ya, usen dwc(5 gallon buckets)..not that small..2x4x5 tent.. the lights were going off at the time of pix ,so only one set of lights were still running(if it looked dark to ya)..I have close to...
  19. SlayerHawk

    when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix

    those are : Exodus Cheese//The Doctor//Blue Lemon Thai
  20. SlayerHawk

    when a good time to take a few clones?..w/pix

    id like to have a clone of each it too early to take some?? I need to start flowering Real soon also..times short where im liven. these ladies are 5 weeks from seed today..all 10 inches tall..bushy as hell. any help is welcome