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  1. muffinman2811

    Yellowing of Fan leaves on sides PLEASE HELP!!

    thanks man, any other advice anybody?
  2. muffinman2811

    Yellowing of Fan leaves on sides PLEASE HELP!!

    i have a couple plants of what i think is a strain called bogglegum (master Kush x bubblegum). here are the pics, could it be nute burn? maybe lack of Mg or Fe. i cant figure it out this is my first indoor grow and i got 5 weeks left i wold hate to see these things die at this point. PLEASE...
  3. muffinman2811

    Spider mites 2 weeks from flower!

    i forgot to add you dilute the home remedy solution in water 2c murphys, 2c alcohol, 1 gallon water
  4. muffinman2811

    Spider mites 2 weeks from flower!

    I just ran into the same problem, i found out they like dry environments, so i bought a small humidifier but those can cause molding when flowering. I heard really good things about liquid ladybug, or you can make a home remedy from murphys liquid soap (for hardwood floors) alcohol, hot pepper...
  5. muffinman2811

    Need new strain for next year, any suggestions??

    I grew THCBomb this year outdoors, and all my girls are doing great, lots of bud, with a really sweet smell. if you want some pics let me know
  6. muffinman2811

    Any way to stop plants from flowering???

    okk thanks guys, man this site fuckin rocks
  7. muffinman2811

    A question about clones

    you could try throwin a couple drops in your rooters (couldn't hurt) but you want to give them as much light as you can early on in the cloning process. i kept my cfls on 24 hours for a few days with my clones
  8. muffinman2811

    Any way to stop plants from flowering???

    it seems too early for preflowers, theyre only 3 weeks old, however they are clones, idk if that would have anything to do with it
  9. muffinman2811

    Any way to stop plants from flowering???

    ok well i got a few THCBomb, started them inside on 20/4 lighting schedual, had to move them so they were in a closed box for two days in my back yard. i put them outside where they have been for a little more then a week. i'm 90% sure theyre flowering now. is there anything i can do to save...
  10. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    what kinda hesi starter kit are u using? looks like soil in those pots
  11. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    they could be tall and not that filled in because of a lack of light. at least thats what happened to mine. and i'd use bigger pots next time. more room for roots = bigger fuller plants. as for the burn on those fan leaves... this site has helped me in the past...
  12. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    WEEK 13 plants are doing good, 2rd 3rd pics is the bomb. i forgot to take a good pic of the other THCB i put into flowering a little bit ago but ill post some next week, there are bud sites everywhere!. last pics are my clones.:clap:
  13. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    the THCbomb that has been in flowing is 2' 5" the other one is 4'2" and the last was a male so we gave him the boot. the three mids are all from 3'-3'5" pretty nice though, 5 outta the six plants i got were female. and the clones are taking real well. we have 20 clones and 6 seedlings that will...
  14. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    WEEK 12 the plants are budding hard now, i moved the two other bombs into flowering about a week ago. the second and third pics are the bomb, and buds are comin in everywhere plus the smell is kinda taking over the back of the house. i put the clones on 12/12 and im going to transplant them to...
  15. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    week 11 :sleep: sorry its been a while... that plants are HUGE, a bit too huge, but anyways the buds are commin in nice. the third and 4th pics is the bomb in flowering. im going to take the others and flower them tonight. i would think there would be more bud by now.? i took some clones about a...
  16. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    hey I'm really sorry ive been slacking on the updates, honestly there isn't that much to say, ill be back on track this sunday. i did however put in that HPS and have been using it for little over 2 weeks. i got a 400 HPS and a 1000 metal halide, which should i use?? i only got 5 plants in the...
  17. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    i understand. i have a 400w hps and a reflector its just a bit much for where im at right now. would it be alright to get another 6-8 lights and place them all around the plants? at least for now.(this is the first grow in a bunch to come)
  18. muffinman2811

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    what do you mean already too large for good buddage?? it can get too big?
  19. muffinman2811

    Clone or Seed?

    clones will a be exact replicas of each other, so they will grow at the same rate and mature at the same time. i would go with some clones unless you want to get that one super female plant out of the seed packet.