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  1. X


    hi, i took a clipping off one of my plants, they are my first proper grow, i keep it in 12/12 along with my other plants, i was just wondering how long it will take to grow some roots. i did it at the weekend and there are still no signs of any roots. :-? :confused: is there something im doing...
  2. X

    my plants are turning colour

    yeah thats what i meant, lol. i didnt realize they could take that long. i didnt grow this type for any particular reason, they were just seeds that i had from other weeds. thank you for your imput, that helps a great deal. thanks again :lol:
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    my plants are turning colour

    hi, i have recently noticed a colour change in my plants, the white hairs are turning orange. i know this is a good thing but i was wondering how long it will take till my plants are ready to pick? there are only some orangey colour hairs so i know theres still a while to go. also, does any one...
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    male or female?

    thank you so much for your help, its really appriciated, i will try and get some pictures, but wot u say makes alot of sense, i have done research but some of it is a bit hard to understand with it being the first proper time. thank you for your time and info.
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    male or female?

    hi, im new to this forum. im growing indoor plants. they seem really tall and not that leafy, is that normal? also, 5 of my plants are female but one of them is male. i seperated them for about a week and now the male one is showing signs that its a female, what sex is it? i dnt have any pics...
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    First Grow In Wardrobe With (400w MH reflector unit) With pics

    hi firstly i would like to say that those plants look amazing!! im new to this forum and i have a query, im growing some indoor plants too, they look nothing like the pics above they are more tall with fewer leaves but they have shown signs of what sex they are. i planted 6 and they were all...