Search results

  1. B

    Asked to Re-confirm

    great that is great
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    anyone ever smoked with a celeb?

    elton jon quinten tarintino dustin diamond aka screech
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    Sex on X

    I still fuck like a champion superstar rockstar
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    Dedicated To Bud

    ja mon, rastafari
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    post your favorite Palin quote

    "oh that Putin"
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    Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

    very well done. C H E E R S
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    HELP!! with reflector choice pllz

    yep he is rith
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    Indica vs sativa ???

    indica, fo show. You want lots of little christmas trees.
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    RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

    that is funny... non profit, ha ha
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    The Taste of my dreams idea..

    it works great
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    Metal Halide VS High Pressure Sodium

    yessir florors for me then on to the HPS, das ist phantastisch
  12. B

    anyone use mad farmer?

    MOAB is awesome. I have been using it and getting huge blooms and flowers with it. It is actually good to use it all the way through the bloom cycle with a constant ramp up.
  13. B

    Electrical Question.

    you need to locate the breaker box and see how many AMPS each breaker, and the MAIN BREAKER are rated for. 20amps will keep things moving nicely. But you should Always consult a professional electrician believe me it is worth it.
  14. B

    Male Looking Cutting From Female Mother??

    hsahahahahahahaha hahahaha
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    Watts per square foot?!?

    more light more better
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    Rain + big buds=???

    do you have any pics??
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    Rain + big buds=???

    mmmmm buds