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  1. S

    Super Lemon Haze 800watt hps grow journal

    hey 8 looking good man will be starting my journal soon large multiple plant dwc 2 week perpetual grow trying a plant called g-bomb supposed to be ready at 8 weeks amazing at 9 weeks. should be cool.should come check it once i can take enough clones. viva la bubbloution
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    my new growcab(ideas no pics)

    lol aint got a clue bru for ur area ur best bet is do a search then locate with google maps. got a few round my end but 1 is under constant surveillance so check that before you go into the shops the last thing you want is to be associated with the shop. viva la bubbloution
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    Purple widow, Blueberry Super Skunk Pc Grow 1st TIME GROW

    hey UK looking sweet man i know a few people who have done pc grows and even designed a few for mates but i think you should devote ur time to the wardrobe so all ur hard work will pay off for you. fck wat people say ne1 can grow weed. its just weather they can grow it WELL. a lot of nubes will...
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    my new growcab(ideas no pics)

    hey UK. nice to meet fellow Brit. OK 100w will easily be cooled with 4 computer fans im a big fan (excuse the pun) of small comp fans have 13 in my room awesome for electric use. and can be placed newhere. the problems with wardrobes is most of the time they are not light tight so you would need...
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    Looking for Ideas for a Cabinet

    the reason its not very stealth. a stealth grow is the concept of having a grow where you wouldn't expect to find one making it harder to find.i see a lot of cabinets labeled as stealth but to me they are just grow cabinets. false panels,hidden vents,silent, scentless running these are the...
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    Super Lemon Haze 800watt hps grow journal

    hows things 8? i think you are gonna have a bit of a surprise when it comes to Ur lady's being ready for harvest. i did 2 slh on last crop under 2 600w in dwc and i always aim for 50-60% amber and that took me 16 weeks into flower i think hopping for a 9/10 even 11 weeks will be to early unless...
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    waterfall watering will it work?

    its not a question of how often will they get long as you make sure there are no places for feed to puddle in each container you should be ok.if at ne time it looks like u may have root rot occurring there are a few threads about using diluted bleach to help combat rot and clean...
  8. S

    Calling all pros-Does a 36 hour dark period between vegging and flowering force....

    what your saying is not correct most of us that grow force the plants into flower before they are mature. switching the lights to 12/12 is forcing flowering. its part of the reason you get quicker harvest times indoors than outdoors because we force the plant to flower before its
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    Calling all pros-Does a 36 hour dark period between vegging and flowering force....

    if ne of you have ur plants stretching during lights out get ur light leaks plugged up. a plant will not stretch if it has no light to stretch for 3 days of lights out cant really say it would help ne more than 48 hours which iv done before no b4 switching to 10/14 to help force...
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    waterfall watering will it work?

    lol i thought nething not using soil was a type of hydro. no worries lol. now onto this. a vert grow is an amazing use of space and yes if you have a problem with 1 plant it may pass to the next and so on. professional vert wall grows have individual run off pipes so as not to have this...
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    Looking for Ideas for a Cabinet

    had a freind do things very similar an it is a great idea especially when it comes to neutralizing smells.its just not very stealth. but still worth doing
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    Looking for Ideas for a Cabinet

    y dont you look at knocking a frame up howerver big you want then cover in wood or mylar then you can use computer fans inserted into the walls for cooling. computer cooling fans are cheep enough to get hold of and they do an awsome job if done right. ive put together a couple of stealth cabs...
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    Did I screw up? (Pinching/bending)

    dude notin to feel stupid about if you dont ask the questions how are you supposed to learn the art. and when you figure out all your do's and dont's that's precisely what growing becomes. an art. viva la bubbloution
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    What are my leaves like this??

    def heat stress bru. what is you light wattage? and how far above your plants is it?
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    Did I screw up? (Pinching/bending)

    thats better advice not panic
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    Did I screw up? (Pinching/bending)

    great advice for a newbie. scare him a bit more y dont you.
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    Did I screw up? (Pinching/bending)

    dude not to worry. what you have done is called super-cropping an awesome if controversial training method for plants. although the top of the plant looks dire it will right itself given a few days. dnt duct tape her she will sort it out herself. do you know about topping plants. this also stops...
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    1st dwc grow going bad

    thats not as gutting as you may think bru. still leave them go full harvest as the weed will still be a nice smoke. at least you will have a good batch of seeds to start off ur nxt crop. ok ur buds may not be as dense but hey swings and roundabouts. just make sure you give your room a proper...
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    FEWER plants produce MORE than MORE PLANTS!

    dude i appreciate the disagreement but before commenting you should really do your research.yes to get the best yeild you have to look at a lot of factors but to say something so ignorant as lumens mean nothing to plant im in stitches lol. lumens matter to plants a hell of a lot when it comes to...
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    will it ever flower

    lol yea it will eventually the problem with the haze family is the loooooooong flowering time. but the wait is defiantly worth it i had to flower my super lemon haze for 16 weeks untill it was finally done. took bout 3 4 weeks for the pre flowers to show just got to have patient ull get there...