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  1. 420Jedi

    Hemp depot

    I've always gotten my breeder packaging from Dr. Chronic.. havent ordered any Dr Atomics tho. They do have a option to have the original packaging along with your order. Hemp depot you just get seeds, no breeder packs... could be anything in there.
  2. 420Jedi

    New to this forum, hope to make lots of great new friends.

    Yah well Ive tried it twice now... msged a mod, got no reply... its just my grow I don't understand why its not getting posted... kinda frustrated at this point :(
  3. 420Jedi

    ordered from Dr. Chronic. Was that a mistake?

    I've gotten every order I've made from Dr. Chronic... I live in Canada tho so I dunno about the usa
  4. 420Jedi

    New to this forum, hope to make lots of great new friends.

    So i tried to start a grow dairy yesterday.... and it said something about being approved by a mod (thats pretty odd but whatever) and yah its been like 24 hours and my thread still isn't there... anyone know whats up with this? Is this a normal thing when you start threads?
  5. 420Jedi

    Hemp depot

    Yah 4 sure, i like them due to the fact i can see that they did in fact charge me for the purchase and have received my cash... not to mention you don't have to wait 2 weeks for your money order to get there... I usually get seeds in like a week and half to 2 weeks
  6. 420Jedi

    18 days old midget bonsai grow

    Kinda looks like your over watering a lil, they are a tad droopy and that soil looks pretty wet.. you want to keep it moist but not wet... so the roots have to look for water, thereby growing.. plant size is relative to root size/structure.
  7. 420Jedi

    420Jedi '09 (Chemdog DD, OGKush and others)

    Hey hey welcome to my grow. I'll start off by telling you a little about myself. I have been growing for the last 2 years but I have only actually cropped out once. ( Big Buddha Blue Cheese ) Ive had some set backs, made some stupid mistakes.. and paid for it in time and money. But you live and...
  8. 420Jedi

    New to this forum, hope to make lots of great new friends.

    Heh its all good, once i get over the outrage!! lol Thanks for the warm welcome :hug:
  9. 420Jedi

    Hemp depot

    Are pre-pair visa cards and giftcards not the same thing? As long as your name isn't attached to it it should be ok. I know they sell them at Money Mart, thats where i get mine. They also have some kind of re-loadable one at money mart that you have to register for and its part of your account...
  10. 420Jedi

    Horrible Service from Seedboutique Gypsy Nirvana

    Yah they have some horrible customer service over there, wouldn't recommend having anything to do with them.
  11. 420Jedi

    Hemp depot

    I ordered my first set of beans from here, I wouldnt recommend it... I did get the beans but they were not in the original breeders pack... and conciterig they mark up about 300% ( didnt know this at the time ) from other seed banks.. you would expect to actually get what your paying for. Look...
  12. 420Jedi

    should we just let celebrities run the world?

    Oh hell no.. we would all be drinking typhoid infected water in no time. They only reason their are celebrities... its cause we love to watch them crash and burn!
  13. 420Jedi

    Can I save my seedlings, are they ok? 1st timer AK-47

    Don't man I did the same exzact thing my first batch of beans, expensive ass hell beans to... ive learned a lil since then, like weed is hard to kill if you just give it water and leave it alone... and like guy says rockwool works best when its like half wet.. so that when you touch it feems...
  14. 420Jedi

    Hello, newbie here!

    Good luck man, be sure you read up on PH its super important and not to feed them to much.. I NUKED a batch of expensive beans my first attempt with just 1 drop of superthrive.. I added it to 1 liter instead of 1 gallon.
  15. 420Jedi

    BCSavage's first grow

    If your already having problems with heat... your going to want to address that before you get a 400watt. I got a 400watt with a cooltube and 400cfm fan.. my temps only go up 2 degrees.. with out that cooltube its like 10.. what kind of fan are you using? Growing weed is expensive man.. its like...
  16. 420Jedi

    New to this forum, hope to make lots of great new friends.

    Hey everyone, I would like to say Hi to you all, and hope my new life over here at rollitup will be pleasant and fruitful. I am coming over to this forum from ICMag, well I don't wanna bad mouth them to much... Lets just say I was banned unfairly and won't be buying anything from their...