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  1. T

    Plans to grow

    Haha it's straight man, but that's cool I have no problem with the wait. I'll be sure to hit you up if I have any more questions, I was hoping to get somebody who has actually grown this strain just because personal experiences seem to work better when it comes to giving advice.
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    Plans to grow

    I'm in Florida, if you read my question #1, I mentioned my plot and location.
  3. T

    Plans to grow

    Thanks for the reply bro, I'll be sure to keep all of that in mind. As far as your answer to question #3, I heard from a lot that the growing process for these plants in particular usually only takes maybe around 1-3 months to become fully grown. I may be wrong, but that's just what I've heard.
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    Plans to grow

    Well basically, I'm a relatively new grower and I need the advice of some experienced outdoor growers here in the community. I have a good friend in Belgium who is willing to sell me 20 feminized Blue Cheese seeds for $80 USD which he gets through a botanist from a university in Antwerp...
  5. T

    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    Central Florida, it hardly ever gets "cold" here. If anything the lowest I've seen it get is about ~40 during the winter months. Yeah, I'm considering leaving it outside for it's required amount of sunlight and then bring it inside, I've got an unused bathroom that could keep people from seeing...
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    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    Nice, short and simple I like it. Thanks for listing that seemingly easy process. I've got a question for anyone here that feels free to answer, Let's just say I've got a pool area in my house that has netted pool roofing so it gets plenty of sun. Although it's exposed to the public it's in...
  7. T

    Plus, it's the cheapest that this website has and they are already feminized. Should I buy...

    Plus, it's the cheapest that this website has and they are already feminized. Should I buy these? Also, when if do buy them, how big of a pot and what is everything else that I would need to successfully grow these? Could I just put a seed in a pot filled with soil and let it do it's work...
  8. T

    Yo bro, I couldn't get those pictures cause I was pretty much out the entire day. I'll have to...

    Yo bro, I couldn't get those pictures cause I was pretty much out the entire day. I'll have to get them sometime when I've got some time. But I've got a quick question, let's just say I've got a pool area in my house that has netted pool roofing so it gets plenty of sun. Although it's exposed to...
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    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    Yeah dude, I completely understand and I have considered the repercussions. Sorry if I haven't come around to understanding the rules around these forums, like you said, I'm new. As far as asking subcool, I was reading his organic growing section along with a few of his tutorial posts he has...
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    If you don't mind, could you check out my thread? Thanks in advance...

    If you don't mind, could you check out my thread? Thanks in advance.
  11. T

    Subcool's Super Soil

    Hey subcool, for some reason I don't have any PM privileges and you have your wallposts disabled, but I'm a new prospective grower looking for some advice on growing. I've read some of your posts and I'm very interested in having you give me some insight on my growing endeavors, if you could do...
  12. T

    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    Alright man, thanks for the support, I will definitely be asking your for some advice once I get those pictures. It's good to know that this will be able to be done. If you have any more questions about anything in regards to any precautions that I should take before growing too, feel free to...
  13. T

    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    That's kind of funny that you say that considering I've got a friend with the last name Sellers that I know, hehe. Yeah bro, basically, I'm going to do a kind of a "stealth" outdoor grow I suppose. There are plenty of forests and woodlands in my backyard but to be honest I really don't feel...
  14. T

    Yo bro, I'm currently in Florida and I'm looking to become a grower, is there any way aside from...

    Yo bro, I'm currently in Florida and I'm looking to become a grower, is there any way aside from visitor messages that I could ask you for some advice? Thanks
  15. T

    Outdoor Growing - Need Help

    Yo Rollitup, I'm a recreational user of marijuana and I'm starting to become a bit more enthusiastic towards the marijuana culture, although I had a period of resent for marijuana, I eventually learned to embrace it. Long story short, I'm looking to grow marijuana outdoors for personal and...