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    How too sell oil without those silly vials..

    lol, there might be a few things that would be problems with that but I like the way your thinking, great idea :P thats the kinda ideas I wanu hear
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    How too sell oil without those silly vials..

    k I cant find anywhere too purchase those stupid vial things... and frustrated with spending hours driping oil intoo stupid vials just too have them explode or bubble over when I try too cook the oil. not worth 30$ a vial.... I sell oil on my campus n most of my customers are the kinda ppl...
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    can my neighbor bust me

    ok well heres the thing we live in a small town I have a huge yard and the cops know that anything he sais about me is probly not valid.. so does that change any answers???
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    can my neighbor bust me

    I always have a couple plants in my yard Nways he was always cool till sum shit went down now he hates me and plots revenge on me everyday.. I recently heard that he was gunnu call the cops.. they know he hates me cuz I gave him an asault charge.. is there anything he can do to get me in...
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    can I get lsa from morning glory vines

    i have morning glory vines but no flowers or seeds. are they of any use to me?
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    can I get lsa from morning glory vines?

    I have tons of vines but no flowers or seeds are they still of use to me?
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    how to take datura stramoniun (jimsonweed)

    nice!... so... what will two whole dried flowers do? how long will it last? and should I make it into tea and not eat the solids? and what about the seed powder? cuz what I heard is that you have to eat the seeds
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    how to take datura stramoniun (jimsonweed)

    ok I have full plants with leaves stems and seed pods, a bag full of flowers and a 1g bottle or 1 ml bottle 2/3 full of crushed seed. the crushed seeds are baige colour.. how should I take this stuff so that I have a good time and not get to messed up?
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    help i have root shock and dont know what to do

    ok so sum of the tops are starting to go moldy so should i just pic all the dry tops off? underneath most of the tops are good buds with the exeption of branches that are totally dying. also i was wondering if i should pick the bad leaves off incase they spread mold to any good bud or would...
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    help i have root shock and dont know what to do

    right on thanx for the help guys... ill do my best for them and let you guys know. probly take some pics to give you guys a better look. peace out stoners
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    help i have root shock and dont know what to do

    ok so what if some of the tops are totally wilted and the top inch is curling over? i was just wondering if it was worth trying to revive them or if i should cut them off and let all the good buds grow. would spraying them to keep them from drying be a good idea? should i let the pots dry...
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    help i have root shock and dont know what to do

    ok i had sum plants outside but there was going to be a record cold snap with 1 week of heavy frost so i brought them in under lights. i think the roots of my plants were coming out the bottom of my 7 gallon pots cuz i had to rip them from the ground. they are now under a 1000 watt sodium bulb...
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    mh light problem

    nice... yah i kinda figured out 10 min after i just kinda panicked cuz i had a bunch of mothers goin and no way to get a new light
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    mh light problem

    i have a 1000 wat metal halide that was working perfectly till i shut it off. it still gets power it just wont spark now. do i have to let it cool down before it turns back on or what?
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    can i grow indoor strains outside

    can you grow indoor strains outside? I heard that indoor strains dont finish outside
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    13 days from seed. how they look

    thier fine. they look like a bunch of little horses ready to take off... but maybe u could use dirt?
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    Outdoor to indoor?

    it is perfectly fine to bring them inside from out but you have to ask yourself... why? and... how long? usually the only reson you would want to do that is because of to much frost or snow or sumthin and if thats the case youll just have to finish them inside which is ok as long as you get the...
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    Why arent my outdoor plants budding?

    It could also be because you have an indoor strain or a strain that has been used indoor. This means that the particular strain that you are growing is use to a more dramatic change of the photoperiod and has trouble sensing the slow change of the photoperiod outside. I have done the same thing...